首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >The nature of the migration route shapes physiological traits and aerodynamic properties in a migratory songbird

The nature of the migration route shapes physiological traits and aerodynamic properties in a migratory songbird


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Migration distance is supposed to represent an important selection pressure shaping physiological and morphological properties. Previous work has focussed on this effect, while the importance of ecological barriers in this context has been rarely considered. We studied two subspecies of a migratory songbird, the northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe and O. o. leucorhoa L.), on an island in the North Sea. The former subspecies reaches their Scandinavian breeding areas after a short sea crossing, whereas leucorhoa northern wheatears cross the North Atlantic towards Iceland, Greenland or Canada. Physiological traits (fuel deposition rate) and wings' aerodynamic properties (wing pointedness independent of body size), both affecting migration speed, were hypothesized to be more pronounced in leucorhoa than in oenanthe northern wheatears. Within subspecies, the physiological and aerodynamic properties were hypothesized to explain arrival date at the stopover site with "fast migrants" arriving early. Physiological and aerodynamic properties in leucorhoa northern wheatears lead to a faster and less costly migration, favouring a sea crossing, but in trade-off lower flight manoeuvrability than in oenanthe birds. Wings' aerodynamic properties affected the seasonal occurrence of leucorhoa females, whereas the physiological traits significantly influenced arrival date in oenanthe individuals. The less risky migration route in oenanthe birds with few short sea crossings may have favoured higher flight manoeuvrability for foraging less pointed wings), in trade-off an energetically more costly flight. Hence, not the migration distance itself, but the presence/absence of a sea barrier presents an important selection pressure in migratory land birds favouring low flight costs.
机译:迁移距离被认为是塑造生理和形态特性的重要选择压力。先前的工作集中在这种效应上,而在这种情况下生态屏障的重要性很少被考虑。我们在北海的一个岛上研究了迁徙鸣鸟的两个亚种,即北麦翁(Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe和O. o。leucorhoa L.)。前一个亚种经过短暂的海渡后便到达了斯堪的纳维亚的繁殖区,而白带的北麦穗则穿过北大西洋,直达冰岛,格陵兰或加拿大。据认为,影响移行速度的生理特征(燃料沉积率)和机翼的空气动力学特性(机翼的尖度与车身大小无关),在白带中比在南方的麦穗中更为明显。假设在亚种内的生理和空气动力学特性可以解释“快移民”提前到达中途停留地点的日期。北部白带麦穗的生理和空气动力学特性导致更快,更便宜的迁徙,有利于过海,但在折衷方面,其飞行机动性低于南方鸟类。机翼的空气动力学特性影响了白带雌性的季节性发生,而生理特性显着影响了动植物个体的到达日期。在很少跨海的越洋鸟类中,风险较小的迁徙路线可能有利于较高的飞行机动性,以便觅食尖角较小的机翼。因此,不是迁徙距离本身,而是海障碍的存在与否对候鸟的迁徙产生了重要的选择压力,这有利于降低飞行成本。



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