首页> 外文期刊>Mycorrhiza >Inoculation of drought-stressed strawberry with a mixed inoculum of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: effects on population dynamics of fungal species in roots and consequential plant tolerance to water deficiency

Inoculation of drought-stressed strawberry with a mixed inoculum of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: effects on population dynamics of fungal species in roots and consequential plant tolerance to water deficiency


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The effect of inoculation with two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on growth and drought tolerance of cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) was studied. Three treatments (a single treatment either of Funneliformis mosseae BEG25, Funneliformis geosporus BEG11 or a 50:50 mixed inoculation treatment of both species) were compared to uninoculated plants. Species-specific primers for qPCR quantification of F. geosporus and F. mosseae DNA were developed to quantify the relative abundance of each fungus in roots of strawberry under different conditions of water stress. Co-occupation of the same root by both species was shown to commonly occur, but their relative abundance varied with water stress (reduced irrigation of up to 40 %). Greater root colonisation was observed microscopically under water stress, but this increased colonisation was often accompanied with decreased amounts of fungal DNA in the root. F. mosseae tended to become more abundant under water stress relative to F. geosporus. There was significant correlation in the fungal colonisation measurements from the microscopic and qPCR methods under some conditions, but the nature of this relationship varied greatly with AMF inoculum and abiotic conditions. Single-species inoculation treatments gave similar benefits to the host to the mixed inoculation treatment regardless of irrigation regime; here, amount of colonisation was of greater importance than functional diversity. The addition of AMF inocula to plants subjected to reduced irrigation restored plant growth to the same or higher values as the non-mycorrhizal, fully-watered plants. The water use efficiency of plants was greater under the regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) regime and in AMF-inoculated plants, but there were no significant differences between plants inoculated with the single or combined inoculum. This study demonstrated that the increase in plant growth was directly influenced by an increase in root colonisation by AMF when individual plants were examined.
机译:研究了两种丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)接种对栽培草莓(Fragaria x ananassa)生长和耐旱性的影响。比较了三种处理方法(单一处理:莫氏镰刀菌BEG25,Funneliformis geosporus BEG11或两种物种的50:50混合接种处理)与未接种植物。开发了用于qPCR定量地孢子虫和mosseae DNA的物种特异性引物,以定量在不同水分胁迫条件下草莓根中每种真菌的相对丰度。两种植物对同一根的共同占有被证明是普遍发生的,但是它们的相对丰度随着水分胁迫的变化而变化(灌溉减少了40%)。在水分胁迫下在显微镜下观察到更大的根部定植,但是这种增加的定植常常伴随着根中真菌DNA的减少。相对于地孢,在水分胁迫下mossea F.趋于变得更加丰富。在某些条件下,通过显微镜和qPCR方法进行的真菌定植测量存在显着相关性,但是这种关系的性质随AMF接种物和非生物条件的不同而有很大差异。不论灌溉方式如何,单种接种处理对混合接种处理的寄主都有类似的好处。在这里,殖民化的数量比功能多样性更重要。向减少灌溉的植物中添加AMF接种物可使植物生长恢复到与非菌根,充分浇灌的植物相同或更高的值。在调节性缺水灌溉(RDI)方案下和在AMF接种的植物中,植物的水分利用效率更高,但是在接种单个或混合接种物的植物之间没有显着差异。这项研究表明,当检查单个植物时,AMF根定植的增加直接影响了植物生长的增加。



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