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Morphological and cytochemical study of the pelotonic and ono-pelotonic hyphae of the orchid Spathoglottis plicata

机译:兰花Sophoglottis plicata的音韵和音韵的菌丝的形态学和细胞化学研究

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Orchids have a special type of endomycorrhizae in which the fungal hyphae produce very characteristic pelotons (coiled balls) in the host cortical cells (Senthilkumar and Krishnamurthy 1998). The mycorrhizal association with orchids has been the subject of intensive study, yet the nature of the relationship remains obscure. Peterson, Mueller, and Englander (1980) described a relationship involving at least two different fungi (a basidiomycete and an ascomycete). Later, Couture, Fortin, and Dalpe (1983) obtained isolates of a sterile fungus and Oidiodendron griseum from the roots of Vaccinium. Resolution of these differences is hampered by the inability to isolate and identity some of the fungi (Muller, Tessier, and Englader 1985) and by the inability to differentiate the fungi by cytochemical procedures. To overcome the latter problem, we have used a variety of cytochemical and cytoenzymological procedures for direct differentiation of the fungi in roots. We describe here the procedure for pelotonic and non-pelotonic hyphae in the roots of Spathoglottis plicata.
机译:兰花具有特殊类型的内生菌根,其中真菌菌丝在宿主皮层细胞中产生非常有特色的果胶(螺旋球)(Senthilkumar和Krishnamurthy 1998)。与兰花的菌根结合一直是深入研究的主题,但这种关系的性质仍然不清楚。 Peterson,Mueller和Englander(1980)描述了一种涉及至少两种不同真菌(担子菌和子囊菌)的关系。后来,Couture,Fortin和Dalpe(1983)从痘苗的根部获得了无菌真菌和灰生油菌的分离株。这些差异的解决由于无法分离和鉴定某些真菌(Muller,Tessier和Englader 1985)以及无法通过细胞化学程序区分真菌而受到阻碍。为了克服后一个问题,我们使用了多种细胞化学和细胞酶学方法来直接鉴定根中的真菌。在这里,我们描述了tho生的Spathoglottis根中的音膜和非音膜菌丝的过程。



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