首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Biogeography and spatio-temporal diversification of Selenidera and Andigena Toucans (Aves: Ramphastidae)

Biogeography and spatio-temporal diversification of Selenidera and Andigena Toucans (Aves: Ramphastidae)

机译:Selenidera和Andigena Toucans的生物地理学和时空多样性(Aves:Ramphastidae)

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Andean uplift, Plio-Pleistocene climatic fluctuation, and river dynamics in the Amazon basin have all been implicated in the diversification of the South American avifauna. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships in the genus Selenidera, which has served as a classic case of putative refugial speciation, and the closely related genus Andigena, to better understand the processes driving their diversification. Using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, we constructed a phylogeny to estimate the pattern and timing of divergence within and between seven lowland Selenidera toucanets and the five species of Andigena mountain-toucans, which together form a single clade. All phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of the montane genus Andigena, but indicated that the genus Selenidera is likely paraphyletic with respect to Andigena. Our time tree analysis is consistent with the orogenic uplift of the northern Andean range having initiated the divergence between Selenidera and Andigena, and that the movement and fragmentation of montane habitats in response to Pleistocene climatic oscillations likely influenced diversification within Andigena. Estimated divergence times for lowland Amazonian Selenidera did not support the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) refuge hypothesis as an important biogeographic factor for the diversification of lineages studied here. The timing of divergence within Selenidera is consistent with the hypothesis that geographic isolation of areas of endemism generated by Amazonian river dynamics during the Plio-Pleistocene contributed to Selenidera speciation and current species distributions.
机译:安第斯山脉的隆升,上新世-上新世气候波动以及亚马逊河流域的河流动力学都与南美航空动物的多样性有关。我们重建了假定的避难物种的经典案例-Selenidera属和与Andigena密切相关的属之间的亲缘关系,以更好地理解推动其多样化的过程。利用线粒体和核DNA序列,我们构建了一个系统发育系统,以估计七个低地斑节鱼Toucanets和Andigena山头巨嘴鸟的五种物种之内和之间的分歧模式和时序,它们共同构成一个进化枝。所有的系统发育分析都支持山地植物Andigena的单亲性,但表明Selenidera属与Andigena可能是共生的。我们的时间树分析与安第斯山脉北部造山带隆升已经引发了硒硒藻和安迪格纳之间的分歧是一致的,并且响应更新世气候振荡的山地栖息地的移动和破碎可能影响了安迪格纳内的多样化。低地亚马孙Selelenida的估计发散时间不支持Last Glacial Maximum(LGM)避难所假设,这是此处研究谱系多样化的重要生物地理因素。 Selenidera内部发散的时间与以下假说相符:在上新世期间,亚马逊河动力学产生的地方性区域的地理隔离导致了Selenidera的物种形成和当前的物种分布。



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