首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Cyprinella (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences

Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Cyprinella (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences


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Members of the genus Cyprinella are abundant and broadly distributed cyprinids in central and eastern rivers of North America. Currently, 30 species are placed in this genus, including seven species restricted to Mexico and three barbeled species formerly placed in different genera (Hybopsis, Erimonax). Phylogenetic analyses were performed for all recognized species of Cyprinella plus species from 14 related genera using complete nucleotide sequences of one mitochondrial (cytochrome b) and one nuclear (Rag1) gene. Cyprinella revealed high levels of genetic divergence between species in both genes compared with species from other related genera examined. Analyses of mitochondrial sequences from 98 specimens of Cyprinella revealed the gene trees of some species as non-monophyletic (i.e., C. venusta, C. lepida, C. nivea, C. lutrensis, C. whipplei). Mitochondrial analyses recovered nine well-supported species groups within a main clade inclusive of most species of Cyprinella, although resolution regarding the monophyly of the genus or its relationships with other genera was poorly resolved, except for C. callistia and C. monacha, two species that are apparently not part of the genus. Analyses of nuclear gene sequences from selected distinctive mitochondrial clades also recovered these nine clades and resulted in shorter branches but greater resolution at more basal nodes. Nuclear data also rejected the inclusion of C. monacha in Cyprinella and indicated that Cyprinella is not monophyletic if Tampichthys and Codoma are recognized as valid genera. A major Clade A (formed by Cyprinella, Tampichthys, Codoma) is more closely related to Pimephales, Opsopoeodus, Hybognathus and some Notropis than to Luxilus and Lythrurus as previously hypothesized. Although mitochondrial data are highly informative phylogenetically, our research revealed fundamental conflicts among mitochondrial and nuclear data for several species of Cyprinella. Interestingly, nuclear trees recovered some species resolved as polyphyletic with mitochondrial variation as monophyletic. While we remain highly supportive of phylogenetic studies using mitochondrial genes and genomes, this study does highlight the utility of nuclear data by identifying issues of possible hybridization or retained ancestral polymorphisms and lineage sorting that can yield erroneous hypothesis in studies using only mit-DNA analyses, while shedding invaluable light on the phylogeny of this controversial group of shiners.
机译:Cyprinella属的成员在北美洲中部和东部河流中都有丰富且分布广泛的鲤科鱼类。目前,该属中有30种,其中有7种限于墨西哥,另外3种有刺种以前曾属于不同属(Hybopsis,Erimonax)。使用一个线粒体(细胞色素b)和一个核仁(Rag1)基因的完整核苷酸序列,对所有14种近缘Cyprinella物种进行了系统发育分析。 Cyprinella揭示了与所检查的其他相关属的物种相比,两个基因的物种之间的遗传差异高。对来自Cyprinella的98个标本的线粒体序列进行分析后发现,某些物种的基因树是非单性的(即C. venusta,C。lepida,C。nivea,C.lutrensis,C.whipplei)。线粒体分析在一个主要进化枝中回收了包括多数Cyprinella物种在内的九个得到良好支持的物种组,尽管关于该属的一系性或其与其他属的关系的解决方法很难解决,除了C. callistia和C. monacha这两个物种显然不是该类的一部分。对选定的独特线粒体进化枝的核基因序列的分析也回收了这九个进化枝,并导致较短的分支,但在更多的基础节上具有更高的分辨率。核数据也拒绝将C. monacha包含在Cyprinella中,并表明如果将坦皮锡和鳕鱼视为有效属,则Cyprinella不是单系的。一个主要的进化枝A(由Cyprinella,Tampichthys,Codoma组成)与先前假设的Pimephales,Opsopoeodus,Hybognathus和一些Notropis的联系更紧密,而与Luxilus和Lythrurus的联系更紧密。尽管线粒体数据在系统发育上提供了丰富的信息,但我们的研究揭示了几种小球藻的线粒体和核数据之间存在根本性的冲突。有趣的是,核树恢复了一些解析为多系的物种,而线粒体变异则是一系的。虽然我们仍然大力支持使用线粒体基因和基因组进行的系统发育研究,但这项研究确实通过识别可能的杂交或保留的祖先多态性和谱系分类问题来突出核数据的实用性,这些问题仅使用mit-DNA分析就能在研究中产生错误的假设,同时为这组有争议的光泽器的系统发育提供了宝贵的信息。



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