首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Systematic revision of the avian family Cisticolidae based on a multi-locus phylogeny of all genera

Systematic revision of the avian family Cisticolidae based on a multi-locus phylogeny of all genera


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The avian taxon Cisticolidae includes c. 110 species which are distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical parts of the Old World. We estimated the phylogeny of 47 species representing all genera assumed to be part of Cisticolidae based on sequence data from two mitochondrial and two nuclear markers, in total 3495. bp. Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses resulted in a generally well-supported phylogeny which clarified the position of several previously poorly known taxa. The placement of Drymocichla, Malcorus, Micromacronus, Oreophilais, Phragmacia, Phyllolais, Poliolais and Urorhipis in Cisticolidae is corroborated, whereas Rhopophilus and Scotocerca are removed from Cisticolidae Urorhipis and Heliolais are placed in the genus Prinia whereas Prinia burnesii is shown to be part of Timaliidae, and is placed in the genus Laticilla. Although not recovered by all single loci independently, four major clades were identified within Cisticolidae, and one of these is here described as a new taxon (Neomixinae).
机译:禽类Cisticolidae包括c。 110种,分布在旧世界的热带和亚热带地区。我们基于来自两个线粒体和两个核标记的序列数据(共3495 bp),估计了代表所有属的47个物种的系统发育,该物种被认为是Cisticolidae的一部分。贝叶斯推断和最大似然分析导致总体上系统良好的系统发育,从而阐明了几个以前鲜为人知的分类单元的位置。确证了在旱獭科中对旱獭,马尔科鲁斯,微巨龙,奥勒菲亚斯,Phragmacia,Phyllolais,Poliolais和Urorhipis的放置,而将嗜水单胞菌和Scotocerca从夜蛾中移除,并将Heliolais放置在Prinia的部分属中,而Prinia burnes则放置在Prinia burnes上。 ,并放置在Laticilla属中。尽管不能由所有单个基因座独立回收,但在istic科中鉴定出四个主要进化枝,其中一个被称为新分类群(Neomixinae)。



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