首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Grass Lizards Genus Takydromus (Reptilia: Lacertidae) of East Asia

Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Grass Lizards Genus Takydromus (Reptilia: Lacertidae) of East Asia


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Takydromus Daudin is a group of Lacertidae lizards with slender bodies and long tails. Half of the Takydromus spp. are endemic to islands of eastern Asia aligned along the Pacific margin of the East Asian continent. This feature offers a good opportunity to study the effects of glaciations and land connections on the speciation of East Asian fauna. We reconstructed the molecular phylogeny of Takydromus species via the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum-parsimony, neighborjoining, and maximum-likelihood options do not support a two-subgenera scheme of Takydromus and Platyplacopus proposed earlier. In contrast, the phylogeny of Takydromus species on islands fits the sequential separation of island groups influenced by changes in sea level. The hypothesis in our prediction supports the process of vicariant speciation and multicolonization of grass lizards on eastern Asian islands. At least two obvious colonization events were followed by vicariance events. Because the molecular clock of the 12 rRNA gene was not rejected in our model test, it is possible to estimate times of speciation events. As the most isolated and basal species compared to other temperate and subtropical species of Takydromus, the separation period of T. smaragdinus in the central Ryukyus is the crucial point in estimating the evolutionary rate. Quaternary-origin or Tertiary-origin models are proposed and discussed.
机译:Takydromus Daudin是一群体形细长,尾巴较长的蜥蜴科蜥蜴。 Takydromus spp的一半。是东亚沿东亚大陆太平洋边缘排列的岛屿的特有物种。此功能为研究冰川和土地连接对东亚动物物种形成的影响提供了一个很好的机会。我们通过线粒体12S rRNA基因重建了Takydromus物种的分子系统发育。使用最大简约性,相邻连接性和最大似然性选项进行的系统发育分析不支持先前提出的Takydromus和Platyplacopus的两个亚属方案。相反,岛上罗非鱼的系统发育适合受海平面变化影响的岛群的顺序分离。我们的预测中的假设支持了东亚诸岛上的蜥蜴种群的变种和多殖民化的过程。至少发生两个明显的殖民化事件,然后发生变异事件。因为在我们的模型测试中没有拒绝12 rRNA基因的分子钟,所以可以估计物种形成事件的时间。与塔吉克斯坦其他温带和亚热带物种相比,作为最孤立和基础的物种,在琉球中央的T. smaragdinus的分离期是估计进化速率的关键点。提出并讨论了四元数或三元数模型。



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