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Bar Products: Roller coaster ride is slowing


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The market for bar producers has been like one long roller coaster ride, said Jon Ruth, executive VP, commercial, at North Star Steel, but at last, "there are signs that the ride is beginning to slow, giving our stomachs a chance to settle." Economic recovery is in place, MSCI Forecast Bar products panelists reminded, even if it's occurring at a slower place than we'd like. Any residual nausea you might feel, they suggested, can be attributed to lingering red flags such as tight capital availability, below-average consumer sentiment, and excess capacity that shows few signs of budging. Potential for 2003, presenters said, is better. "Quarter momentum is beginning to emerge," said Mark Parr, senior VP at McDonald investments. "That could translate into improved shipping volumes for next year." And, Parr added, lending standards for small and medium-sized companies should ease too.
机译:North Star Steel商业执行副总裁Jon Ruth表示,钢筋生产商的市场就像坐过山车,但最终,“有迹象表明,这种行情开始放缓,给我们的肚子提供了机会解决。” MSCI Forecast Bar产品小组成员提醒说,经济复苏已经到位,即使发生的时间比我们希望的要慢。他们建议,您可能会感觉到任何残留的恶心,这可归因于挥之不去的危险信号,例如资金供应紧张,消费者情绪低于平均水平以及产能过剩(几乎没有迹象表明)。演讲者说,2003年的潜力更大。麦当劳投资高级副总裁马克·帕尔(Mark Parr)说:“季度趋势开始显现。” “这可以转化为明年出货量的提高。”而且,帕尔补充说,对中小企业的贷款标准也应放宽。



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