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On teaching measurement applications of digital signal processing


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Intensified development of digital measurements by the end of the 20th century generated numerous applications of various types of digital processors in measurement instrumentation, and of sophisticated mathematical tools for extraction of desired information from measurement. As a consequence, the measurement applications of digital signal processing, i.e., the methods for measurement data processing (MDP), became a regular chapter of metrological knowledge. In this paper, an attempt is made to find an adequate educational response to this situation both at the undergraduate and graduate level. It is proposed to structure the MDP contents, according to a model of measurement, oriented on explaining the role of digital signal processing in the measurement process. Such a model is outlined and used for introducing a typology of MDP problems which is next applied as a basis for structuring the MDP-related contents. The productivity of the proposed approach is illustrated with numerous engineering examples. Extensive references, that may be helpful in practical implementation of the proposed teaching methodology, are provided.



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