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Volume-sensitive amino acid efflux from a pancreatic beta-cell line.


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Cell swelling, induced by a hyposmotic shock, increased the fractional release of taurine from INS-1 cells. Volume-sensitive taurine release was (a) dependent upon the extent of cell swelling; (b) fully reversible; and (c) temperature dependent. Volume-sensitive taurine efflux was independent from the trans-membrane Na(+)-gradient. DIDS markedly inhibited volume-activated taurine efflux but not basal taurine release suggesting that the volume-sensitive pathway is quiescent under isosmotic conditions. Volume-activated taurine release inactivated in the continued presence of a hyposmotic shock. Cell-swelling also increased the fractional release of D-aspartate from INS-1 cells. Volume-activated D-aspartate efflux was inhibited by DIDS, albeit to a lesser extent than volume-sensitive taurine release. It is predicted that volume-sensitive amino acid efflux acts in parallel with other volume-activated transport mechanisms to regulate the volume of insulin-secreting cells.
机译:低渗性休克引起的细胞肿胀增加了牛磺酸从INS-1细胞中释放的分数。体积敏感的牛磺酸释放取决于:(a)取决于细胞肿胀程度; (b)完全可逆的; (c)与温度有关。体积敏感的牛磺酸流出独立于跨膜Na(+)梯度。 DIDS显着抑制了体积激活的牛磺酸流出,但没有抑制基础牛磺酸的释放,这表明在等渗条件下体积敏感的途径是静止的。持续存在的低渗性休克会使体积激活的牛磺酸释放失活。细胞膨胀还增加了D-1天冬氨酸从INS-1细胞的释放分数。体积激活的D-天冬氨酸外排被DIDS抑制,尽管程度小于体积敏感的牛磺酸释放。据预测,对体积敏感的氨基酸外排与其他体积激活的转运机制并行作用,以调节胰岛素分泌细胞的体积。



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