首页> 外文期刊>Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: An International Journal for Chemical Biology >Alterations in isoforms of glutathione S-transferase in liver and kidney of cadmium exposed rhesus monkeys: Purification and kinetic characterization

Alterations in isoforms of glutathione S-transferase in liver and kidney of cadmium exposed rhesus monkeys: Purification and kinetic characterization


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Exposure of animals to cadmium (Cd) (25 mg kg-1 body wt day-1) for 10 weeks resulted in preferential accumulation of the metal in liver and kidney. Cd accumulation concomitantly increased zinc (Zn) concentration in both the organs. However, significant decrease in copper level was observed in liver, whereas kidney showed increase in copper (Cu) level. Cd exposure resulted in decreased total GST activity in liver (63%) and kidney (41%) as compared to control group monkeys on normal diet (group I). On isoelectric focusing (IFP) control liver GST segregated into thirteen isoenzymes, while in Cd-treated experimental animals (group II) liver GST resolved into nine isoenzymes. Similarly kidney GST from control animals separated into seven isoenzymes as compared to four isoenzymes from Cd-treated animals. Kinetic analysis showed that Cd exposure did not alter the affinity constant (Km) of GST for GSH and CDNB whereas maximal velocity (Vmax) for these substrates decreased as compared to controls in both the organs, indicating inhibition in GST synthesis by Cd. Cd resulted in a noncompetitive type of inhibition with respect to GSH in vitro. On isoelectric focussing GST of liver and kidney in group II resolved into nine and four isoenzymes as compared to thirteen and seven in group I, showing loss of four basic isoenzymes in case of liver and three isoenzymes in case of kidney. Monkey liver and kidney expressed all the three classes of GST isoenzymes i.e. , μ and , which were serologically identical to human , μ and GSTs.
机译:将动物暴露于镉(Cd)(25 mg kg-1体重第1天体重)达10周,导致金属优先在肝脏和肾脏中积累。 Cd积累会同时增加两个器官中的锌(Zn)浓度。然而,在肝脏中观察到铜水平显着下降,而肾脏显示铜(Cu)水平上升。与正常饮食的对照组猴子(I组)相比,Cd暴露导致肝脏(63%)和肾脏(41%)的总GST活性降低。在等电聚焦(IFP)控制下,肝脏GST分离为13种同工酶,而在Cd处理的实验动物(II组)中,肝脏GST分解为9种同工酶。类似地,与来自镉处理动物的四种同工酶相比,来自对照动物的肾脏GST分为七种同工酶。动力学分析表明,镉暴露并未改变GST对GSH和CDNB的亲和常数(Km),而这些底物的最大速度(Vmax)与两个器官中的对照相比均下降,表明Cd抑制了GST合成。镉在体外对GSH产生非竞争性抑制作用。在等电聚焦下,II组肝和肾的GST分解为9种和4种同工酶,而I组则为13种和7种,显示肝脏有4种基本同工酶丢失,肾脏有3种同工酶丢失。猴肝和肾表达了所有三类GST同工酶,即μ和和,在血清学上与人,μ和GST相同。



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