首页> 外文期刊>Model Engineer >Nemett offers a varied mix this time with some engines identified, information on an early engine designer and a flying model powered by a working, scale rotary engine

Nemett offers a varied mix this time with some engines identified, information on an early engine designer and a flying model powered by a working, scale rotary engine


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I have been sent photographs of a vintage petrol engine made by Stuart Turner. The engine (photos 1 and 2) is a water-cooled, single cylinder two-stroke and is owned by reader Geoff Nixon. Geoff is seeking further information because some parts are missing and he would like to restore the engine. I contacted Stuart Turner who tell me that the engine is an example of the Lightweight petrol engine, it is a three port, two-stroke, producing 0.3bhp at 3600rpm.
机译:我收到了斯图尔特·特纳(Stuart Turner)制造的老式汽油发动机的照片。发动机(照片1和2)是水冷式单缸二冲程发动机,由读者Geoff Nixon拥有。杰夫(Geoff)正在寻求进一步的信息,因为某些零件丢失了,他想恢复引擎。我联系了斯图尔特·特纳(Stuart Turner),他告诉我该发动机是轻型汽油发动机的一个示例,它是三端口,二冲程,在3600rpm下产生0.3bhp的功率。



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