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Morphological taxonomy and molecular divergence of four balitorid species (subfamily: Nemachelinae) from Central Himalaya, India


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The fishes in this study belong to the difficult group. It is difficult to identify about more than 50 nemacheilid loach species in India, mainly due to the poor quality of the original descriptions, the lack of good reviews, and the similarity of a number of the banded species. In view of this, a morphometric and genetic study was conducted on four species that have been documented in Central Himalayan region of India. Using comparative methods, a contribution to the knowledge about the variability of four Himalayan hillstream loaches, a molted loach Acanthocobitis botia (Hamilton, 1822), Nemacheilus corica (Hamilton, 1822), a creek loach Schistura beavani (Gunther, 1868), and Schistura montana (McClelland, 1838), was accomplished. Morphometric data were analyzed by univariate (CV and analysis of variance) and multivariate analyses (discriminant function analysis and cluster analysis). Based on the results of these statistical analyses, generally all four species grouped into their own species cluster with minimal overlap between two species of genus Schistura. Mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene analysis revealed 7.7-17.6% genetic distances among the four species. Molecular phylogenetic relationship among these species and other Balitoridae species was investigated using published mitochondrial Cyt b sequences. Dendrograms obtained by the maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony method analyses exhibited the same topology. According to this topology, all the four species represented distinct species group and A. botia form the most distinct species while S. beavani and S. montana are clustered together with Nemacheilus species to form a single group. This work may build the base for the revision of taxonomic identity of fishes of the family Balitoridae. The results may further help to enhance the knowledge of the ichthyologists in understanding the fish fauna of India and assist them in planning conservation and management strategies for the propagation of these less studied small indigenous species along their natural range of distribution.
机译:本研究中的鱼类属于困难群体。在印度,很难鉴定出大约50种以上的线虫泥ach物种,这主要是由于原始描述的质量较差,缺乏良好的评价以及许多带状物种的相似性。有鉴于此,对印度中部喜马拉雅地区已记录的四个物种进行了形态计量和遗传研究。使用比较方法,对四个喜马拉雅山溪泥,、蜕变的泥can棘皮A虫(汉密尔顿,1822年),尼玛切勒斯·柯里卡(汉密尔顿,1822年),小溪泥Sch(Schistura beavani)(古瑟尔,1868年)和Schistura蒙大拿州(McClelland,1838)完成了。形态计量学数据通过单变量(CV和方差分析)和多变量分析(判别函数分析和聚类分析)进行分析。根据这些统计分析的结果,一般来说,所有四个物种都归为自己的物种簇,而史氏菌属的两个物种之间的重叠最小。线粒体DNA细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因分析显示,这四个物种之间的遗传距离为7.7-17.6%。使用公开的线粒体Cyt b序列,研究了这些物种与其他巴科科动物之间的分子系统发生关系。通过最大似然和最大简约方法分析获得的树状图显示相同的拓扑。根据这种拓扑结构,所有四个物种都代表不同的物种组,而曲霉形成的物种最不同,而贝氏链球菌和蒙大纳链霉菌与线虫物种聚在一起形成一个单一的群体。这项工作可能为修订巴里科科鱼类的生物分类学身份奠定基础。结果可能会进一步帮助鱼类学专家了解印度的鱼类区系,并帮助他们规划养护和管理策略,以使这些鲜为研究的小型本土物种在其自然分布范围内繁殖。



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