首页> 外文期刊>International journal of urology: official journal of the Japanese Urological Association >Assessment of a protocol for prophylactic antibiotics to prevent perioperative infection in urological surgery: a preliminary study.

Assessment of a protocol for prophylactic antibiotics to prevent perioperative infection in urological surgery: a preliminary study.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to assess the usability and efficacy of our new protocol of prophylactic antibiotic use to prevent perioperative infection in urological surgery. METHODS: We prospectively investigated 339 cases of typical urological surgery in our department between April 2001 and March 2002 (group I). We classified surgical procedures into four categories by invasiveness and contamination levels: category A, clean less invasive or endoscopic surgery; category B, clean invasive or clean contaminated surgery; category C, urinary tract diversion using the intestine; and category D, infected surgery. Antibiotics were administrated intravenously according to our protocol: category A, first or second generation cephems or penicillins during the operative day only; category B, first and second generation cephems or penicillins for 3 days; and category C, second or third generation cephems for 4 days. Category D was excluded from the analysis. To judge perioperative infections, the wound condition and general conditions were evaluated in terms of the surgical site infection (SSI) as well as remote infection (RI) up to postoperative day (POD) 14. We retrospectively reviewed 308 patients who underwent urological surgery between April 2000 and March 2001 (group II) as reference cases that were administered antibiotics without any restriction. RESULTS: Perioperative infection rates (SSI + RI) in group I and group II were 25 of 339 (7.4%) and 35 of 308 (11.4%), respectively. Surgical site infection rates of categories A, B, and C in group I were 1.8%, 7.6%, and 30.0%, respectively, while those in group II were 2.0%, 7.4%, and 46.2%, respectively. There was no significant difference in infection rates in terms of RI and SSI between group I and group II. The amounts, as well as the prices, for intravenously administrated antibiotics and oral antibiotics decreased to approximately half and one-fifth, respectively. CONCLUSION: Our protocol effectively decreased the amount of antibiotics usedwithout increasing perioperative infection rates. Thus, our protocol of prophylactic antibiotic therapy would be recommended as an appropriate method for preventing perioperative infection in urological surgery.
机译:背景:本研究的目的是评估我们预防性抗生素使用新方案在泌尿外科手术中预防围手术期感染的可用性和功效。方法:我们对2001年4月至2002年3月在我科进行的339例典型泌尿外科手术进行了前瞻性调查(第一组)。我们根据侵入性和污染程度将手术程序分为四类:A类,清洁性较小的侵入性或内窥镜手术; B类,清洁的侵入性或清洁污染的手术; C类,利用肠道转移尿路; D类,感染手术。根据我们的方案,静脉内施用抗生素:A类,仅在手术当天使用第一代或第二代头孢或青霉素; B类,第一代和第二代头孢或青霉素治疗3天;和C类,第二代或第三代后代持续4天。从分析中排除了D类。为了判断围手术期感染,根据手术部位感染(SSI)和术后一天(POD)之前的远距离感染(RI)评估了伤口状况和一般状况。我们回顾性回顾了308例在两次手术之间进行泌尿外科手术的患者参考病例为2000年4月和2001年3月(第二组),接受抗生素无任何限制。结果:第一组和第二组的围手术期感染率(SSI + RI)分别为339例中的25例(7.4%)和308例中的35例(11.4%)。 I组的A,B和C类手术部位感染率分别为1.8%,7.6%和30.0%,而II组的分别为2.0%,7.4%和46.2%。在第一组和第二组之间,在RI和SSI方面,感染率没有显着差异。静脉内施用抗生素和口服抗生素的数量和价格分别下降到大约一半和五分之一。结论:我们的方案有效地减少了抗生素的使用量,而没有增加围手术期的感染率。因此,我们推荐的预防性抗生素治疗方案可作为预防泌尿外科手术围手术期感染的适当方法。



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