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RAPTOR: 94th Fighter Squadron's Raptors on display


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The 94th Fighter Squadron is the second oldest fighter squadron in America's history. They are tasked to provide air superiority for the United States and her allies by engaging and destroying enemy forces, equipment, defences or installations as part of the 1st Fighter Wing. The 94th Fighter Squadron flies today's advanced 'Air Dominance' fighter, the Lockheed-Martin F-22A Raptor. Designated as the 94th Aero Squadron at Kelly Field, Texas on 20th of August 1917, the squadron began a long history in air warfare. The 94th AS made the first patrol flown by an all-American squadron in France during World War I on the 6th of March 1918, flying the Nieuport 28. On the 18th of April 1918, Lieutenants Alan Winslow and Douglas Campbell downed German Pfalz D.3 aircraft for the first air superiority victory in the history of the United States. The 94th AS is also credited with the last aerial victory of the war when a Fokker was destroyed on the 10th of November, one day before the Armistice. With such famous members as Eddie Rickenbacker, Raoul Lufberry and Douglas Campbell, the 'Hat-in-the-Ring Gang' scored nearly 70 kills during the war - more than any other squadron.
机译:第94战斗机中队是美国历史上第二古老的战斗机中队。他们的任务是通过参与和摧毁作为第一战斗机翼一部分的敌军,装备,防御或设施,为美国及其盟国提供空中优势。第94战斗机中队驾驶当今先进的“空中优势”战斗机,洛克希德·马丁公司的F-22A Raptor。该中队于1917年8月20日在得克萨斯州凯利菲尔德(Kelly Field)被指定为第94航空中队,开始了悠久的空战历史。第一次世界大战期间,第94巡逻队在第一次世界大战期间于1918年3月6日在法国进行了首次巡逻,飞行了Nieuport28。1918年4月18日,艾伦·温斯洛中尉和道格拉斯·坎贝尔中尉击落了德军普法尔茨D。 3架飞机是美国历史上首次空中优势胜利。第94航空站也被认为是战争的最后一次空中胜利​​,当时的福克战斗机是在停战协定的前一天,即11月10日被摧毁的。凭借“埃德·里肯巴克(Eddie Rickenbacker),拉乌尔·卢法贝(Raoul Lufberry)和道格拉斯·坎贝尔(Douglas Campbell)这样的著名成员,“帽子里的黑帮”在战争中被杀死近70人,比其他任何中队都要多。



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