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Identifying Microscopic Minerals from Mapimi, Durango, Mexico


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Since I arrived in Texas in 1963, the colorful Mapimi secondary minerals were readily available to collectors from dealers, flea markets, and recycled collections. They were particularly abundant in the 1970s and most of the 1980s, but since then supplies have been more sporadic. They still can be relatively plentiful and inexpensive if you know what you are looking at. True, outstanding specimens and rarer minerals with larger than microscopic crystals are now quite expensive, but there are a lot of specimens available with spectacular small examples of common and some rare minerals. Specimens from "old garage collections" are usually battered and dusty, but if they contain unexposed cavities or undamaged areas, treasures may be found that make them worthwhile. Often a specimen with more than one or two minerals on it is usually sold by the name of the most dominant or easiest to identify or even misidentified mineral. A closer look may be warranted for the unexpected rare mineral or super microscopic specimen.
机译:自从1963年我到达德克萨斯州以来,丰富多彩的Mapimi次要矿物质就可以从经销商,旧货市场和回收的收藏家那里买到。它们在1970年代和1980年代的大部分时间特别丰富,但是从那以后供应就更加零星了。如果您知道自己在看什么,它们仍然可以相对充足且便宜。的确,出色的标本和比显微镜晶体大的稀有矿物现在非常昂贵,但也有很多标本带有常见的和稀有矿物的壮观小例子。 “旧车库收藏”中的标本通常是满是灰尘,但是如果它们包含未暴露的空腔或未损坏的区域,则可能会发现有价值的宝藏。通常,标有一种或两种以上矿物质的标本通常以最主要或最容易识别甚至错误识别的矿物质的名称出售。可能需要仔细观察一下意外的稀有矿物或超显微标本。



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