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Flotation of Aladag oxide lead-zinc ores


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Oxide lead-zinc ore sample containing 10.17 percent Pb, 10.98 percent Zn, 57 g/t Ag and 164 g/t Cd was subjected to this experimental study and taken from Kayseri located in the foothills of the Aladag Mountains, Turkey. Preliminary flotation tests with the ore sample indicated that there was no selectivity in terms of zinc recovery; therefore studies were concentrated on producing lead concentrates. the experiments, the effects of different parameters such as number of stages, amount of Na_2S, amount of ZnSO_4 and application of gravity concentration prior to flotation were investigated in relation to the metal contents of concentrates and flotation efficiencies A lead concentrate with 65.42 percent Pb was produced with 77 percent recovery as a result of six stage flotation experiment carried out with 350 g/t KAX, 250 g/t Aero 407 and 4500 g/t Na_2S and 98.7 percent of zinc remained in the tailings with 12.23 percent Zn content. As a result of gravity concentration followed by flotation, a lead concentrate with an average Pb content of 65.80 percent was produced with 86 5 percent total Pb recovery. In both cases almost all zinc remained in the tailings and could not be recovered by the addition of different reagents due to its complicated mineralogical structure. Therefore, application of metallurgical processes is proposed for zinc recovery from the tailings.
机译:进行了该实验研究,所含的铅,锌含量分别为10.17%的铅,10.98%的锌,57 g / t的Ag和164 g / t的Cd。该样品取自土耳其阿拉达克山麓的开塞利。矿石样品的初步浮选试验表明,锌的回收率没有选择性。因此,研究集中在生产铅精矿上。在实验中,研究了浮选前的阶段数,Na_2S量,ZnSO_4的量以及重力浓度的施加等参数对精矿中金属含量和浮选效率的影响。Pb为65.42%的铅精矿为由于采用350 g / t KAX,250 g / t Aero 407和4500 g / t Na_2S进行了六个阶段的浮选实验,回收的产品的总回收率为77%,尾矿中残留的锌为98.7%,锌含量为12.23%。通过重力浓缩和浮选的结果,生产出平均铅含量为65.80%的铅精矿,回收的总铅为86%到5%。在这两种情况下,几乎所有的锌都残留在尾矿中,由于其复杂的矿物学结构,无法通过添加不同的试剂来回收。因此,提出了冶金方法的应用以从尾矿中回收锌。



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