
A review of the S100 proteins in cancer.


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AIM: In the quest to reduce mortality and morbidity from cancer, there is continued effort to identify novel biomarkers to aid in the early detection and the accurate prediction of tumour behaviour. One group of proteins that is emerging as a potentially important group of markers in multiple tumour types is the S100 family. This review summarises the biological and clinical relevance of these proteins in relation to different tumour types. METHODS: A literature search was performed using the PubMed database and the reference lists of relevant articles. Single case studies were excluded and only reports with a clinical relevance from 1961 to 2007 were included. RESULTS: The search yielded over 1000 published articles and reports. Important reports and studies were reviewed, screened and tracked for further relevant publications. Only the most relevant publications are discussed with relation to individual members of the S100 family. CONCLUSION: There is increasing evidence that altered expression of S100 family members is seen in many cancers including breast, lung, bladder, kidney, thyroid, gastric, prostate and oral cancers. S100 proteins are commonly up-regulated in tumours and this is often associated with tumour progression. In contrast S100A2, S100A11 and S100A9 have been documented as tumour suppressors in some cancers but as tumour promoters in others. This demonstrates the complexity of the family and variability of their functions. Although the precise roles of these proteins in cancer is still to be discovered many of the family are associated with promoting metastases through interactions with matrix metalloproteinases or by acting as chemoattractants. There is also evidence that some members can regulate transcription factors such as p53. S100B already has a role in a clinical setting in the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of malignant melanoma. As our understanding of this family develops it is likely that many more members will aid the diagnosis, monitoring and potential treatment of cancers in the future.
机译:目的:为降低癌症的死亡率和发病率,人们一直在努力寻找新的生物标记物,以帮助及早发现和准确预测肿瘤的行为。 S100家族是一组在多种肿瘤类型中可能成为潜在的重要标志物的蛋白质。这篇综述总结了这些蛋白质与不同肿瘤类型的生物学和临床相关性。方法:使用PubMed数据库和相关文章的参考文献进行文献检索。单例研究被排除在外,仅包括1961年至2007年具有临床意义的报告。结果:搜索产生了1000多个发表的文章和报告。对重要的报告和研究进行了审查,筛选和跟踪,以寻找更多相关出版物。仅讨论与S100系列中单个成员有关的最相关的出版物。结论:越来越多的证据表明,在许多癌症中,包括乳腺癌,肺癌,膀胱癌,肾癌,甲状腺癌,胃癌,前列腺癌和口腔癌,S100家族成员的表达均发生了改变。 S100蛋白通常在肿瘤中上调,这通常与肿瘤进展有关。相反,S100A2,S100A11和S100A9在某些癌症中已被证明是抑癌基因,但在另一些癌症中却被证明是肿瘤促进剂。这证明了家庭的复杂性及其功能的可变性。尽管这些蛋白在癌症中的确切作用尚待发现,但许多家族通过与基质金属蛋白酶的相互作用或作为化学吸引剂与促进转移有关。也有证据表明某些成员可以调节转录因子,例如p53。 S100B已在恶性黑色素瘤的诊断和治疗监测的临床环境中发挥作用。随着我们对这个家庭的了解的发展,将来可能会有更多的成员协助诊断,监测和潜在治疗癌症。



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