
An update in the palliative management of malignant dysphagia.


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BACKGROUND: Oesophageal cancer is generally associated with late presentation and poor prognosis. Therefore palliative surgery has been largely superseded by less invasive non-surgical techniques. Once palliation is indicated, the aims of the management should be: the maintenance of oral intake, minimizing hospital stay, relief of pain, elimination of reflux and regurgitation and the prevention of aspiration. METHODS: This study was a review of all published English language data on the palliation of malignant dysphagia between 1994-1999. The Medline and Bids databases were searched and other references were derived from the material perused. Results and CONCLUSIONS: Palliative treatment for oesophageal cancer should be individualized and relate to tumour stage, size and location, the patient's medical condition and his/her personal wishes. The palliative treatment largely includes self-expanding metal stents (SEMS), laser (including photodynamic therapy (PDT)) or a combination of the two to relieve symptoms, this may be employed with or without other treatments such as radiotherapy/chemotherapy (RT/CT) with the aim of reducing tumour bulk and possibly prolonging survival. A multi-disciplinary approach is vital in patients with advanced oesophageal cancer. Copyright 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
机译:背景:食道癌通常与晚期表现和预后不良有关。因此,姑息性手术已被侵入性较小的非手术技术所取代。一旦表明有减轻症状,管理的目标应是:保持口服摄入量,减少住院时间,减轻疼痛,消除反流和反流以及预防误吸。方法:本研究是对1994-1999年间所有有关缓解恶性吞咽困难的英文数据的综述。搜索Medline和Bids数据库,并从阅读的材料中获取其他参考。结果与结论:食道癌的姑息治疗应个体化,并与肿瘤的分期,大小和位置,患者的医疗状况以及他/她的个人意愿有关。姑息治疗主要包括自扩张金属支架(SEMS),激光(包括光动力疗法(PDT))或两者结合以缓解症状,可与或不与其他疗法(例如放疗/化学疗法(RT / CT),以减少肿瘤的体积并可能延长生存期。多学科方法对于晚期食道癌患者至关重要。版权所有2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.。



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