首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Surgical Oncology: The Journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology >Axillary recurrence after negative sentinel lymph node biopsy under local anesthesia in breast cancer.

Axillary recurrence after negative sentinel lymph node biopsy under local anesthesia in breast cancer.


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The procedure known as sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) under local anesthesia (LA) allows surgical teams to avoid the uncertainties of frozen tissue examination and to perform axillary dissection on patients who have been informed of the risks of lymph node invasion prior to the procedure. OBJECTIVE: In the absence of studies that assess the risk of obtaining false negatives during SLNB under LA, we believed it would be relevant to do a study of the safety of SLNB under LA to ensure that the risk of axillary recurrence is as low as with SLNB carried out in the traditional manner under general anesthesia. Through the experience of the Department of Gynecological Surgery at the Limoges CHU, we were able to assess the risk of axillary recurrence after SLNB under LA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between July 2001 and November 2008, 319 SLNB under LA was performed in cases of invasive breast cancer. Axillary dissection was done in 125 cases. In total, 194 patients underwent SLNB with no lymph node invasion and without additional axillary dissection. Follow-up was monitored until May 30, 2008. RESULTS: With a median follow-up period of 39.5 months, there were no patients with axillary recurrence. We recorded 6 local recurrences and 3 distant metastases. CONCLUSION: With an experienced team, SLNB under LA is a procedure that does not expose patients to a greater risk of axillary recurrence than SLNB carried out in the traditional manner under general anesthesia.
机译:局麻(LA)下的前哨淋巴结活检(SLNB)程序使外科手术团队避免了冷冻组织检查的不确定性,并对在手术前已获悉有淋巴结浸润风险的患者进行了腋窝解剖。目的:由于尚无评估在LA条件下SLNB期间获得假阴性的风险的研究,我们认为有必要对LA条件下SLNB的安全性进行研究以确保腋窝复发的风险与低水平相同。 SLNB是在全身麻醉下以传统方式进行的。通过利蒙治(Limoges CHU)妇科外科的经验,我们能够评估在LA下SLNB后腋窝复发的风险。材料与方法:2001年7月至2008年11月,在浸润性乳腺癌病例中,根据LA进行了319次SLNB。腋窝淋巴结清扫术125例。总共194例患者行SLNB,无淋巴结浸润,无其他腋窝淋巴结清扫。随访直至2008年5月30日。结果:中位随访时间为39.5个月,无腋窝复发患者。我们记录了6例局部复发和3例远处转移。结论:在一支经验丰富的团队中,与常规全身麻醉下的SLNB相比,LA下SLNB的手术不会使患者面临更大的腋窝复发风险。



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