首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Surgical Oncology: The Journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology >A population-based study of radiotherapy in a cohort of patients with rectal cancer diagnosed between 1996 and 2000.

A population-based study of radiotherapy in a cohort of patients with rectal cancer diagnosed between 1996 and 2000.


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AIMS: To study, in a population-based setting, the use of delayed radiotherapy (RT) in a cohort of 2008 unselected rectal cancer patients diagnosed between 1996 and 2000. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Radiation within 6 months of diagnosis was considered part of the primary treatment (PRT). RT given 6 months or later after diagnosis or after PRT was considered as delayed or secondary RT (SRT). Number, percentage and cumulative proportion of patients receiving SRT were calculated. The odds for receiving SRT (total and for recurrent rectal cancer only) were studied by logistic regression analysis, taking into account age, gender, co-morbidity, socio-economic status, stage, prior PRT and RT department (2 departments, each serving general hospitals only). RESULTS: Forty-six percent of all newly diagnosed patients received RT. Ten percent (n=203) received at least once SRT, either after PRT or as first RT, of which 96 patients for a relapsed rectal tumour (31 after PRT on the rectal tumour, 65 as a first radiation treatment). In a multivariate analysis of patients with rectal recurrence secondary pelvic irradiation was less often given after primary irradiation (OR: 0.7, 95% CI: 0.4-1.1). Patients with a stage III significantly more often received SRT on a recurrence (OR=2.5, 95% CI=1.4-4.5). Generally, patients in the eastern department received more often PRT and less often SRT for recurrence (OR: 0.5, 95% CI: 0.3-0.8). CONCLUSIONS: Five percent of all patients with rectal cancer received SRT on a recurrent tumour, with a large variation between the two RT departments in the region.
机译:目的:以人群为基础,研究在1996年至2000年之间确诊的2008年未选择的直肠癌患者队列中使用延迟放疗(RT)。患者与方法:诊断后6个月内的放射被认为是放射治疗的一部分。初级治疗(PRT)。诊断后6个月或更晚或PRT后进行的RT被认为是延迟或继发性RT(SRT)。计算接受SRT的患者的数量,百分比和累积比例。通过logistic回归分析研究了接受SRT的几率(仅包括总直肠癌和复发性直肠癌),并考虑了年龄,性别,合并症,社会经济状况,分期,先前的PRT和RT部门(2个部门,每个部门仅普通医院)。结果:在所有新诊断的患者中百分之四十六接受了放疗。百分之十(n = 203)至少一次接受PRT或第一次RT的SRT,其中96例复发的直肠肿瘤患者(直肠癌PRT术后31例,第一次放射治疗65例)。在对直肠癌复发患者进行的多变量分析中,初次放疗后较少进行二次骨盆放疗(OR:0.7,95%CI:0.4-1.1)。 Ⅲ期患者复发时接受SRT的频率明显更高(OR = 2.5,95%CI = 1.4-4.5)。通常,东部部门的患者因复发而接受PRT的频率较高,而接受SRT的频率较低(OR:0.5,95%CI:0.3-0.8)。结论:所有直肠癌患者中有5%因复发肿瘤接受了SRT,该地区两个RT部门之间差异很大。



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