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Confocal Raman and AFM Imaging of Paper


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The properties of paper are determined primarily by the cellulose fibre composition. Most papers are then further processed by various chemical treatments including bleaching and lamination. A detailed understanding of the micro- and nanostructures of the paper in its successive stages of production as well as the final paper composition at a sub-micrometre level are essential for further improvement of its properties. With the advancement of nano-analytical instrumentation this detailed knowledge has become readily accessible. Confocal Raman imaging is a valuable tool for such studies, as it not only reveals optical information but also information regarding the 3D distribution of the chemical compounds in the sub-micrometre range [1-3]. In the paper surface finishing process additional surface roughness parameters can be measured by combining the confocal Raman microscope with an atomic force microscope (AFM). Such combined analytical microscopes allow a direct linking between high resolution imaging and chemical identification of various chemical compounds on a surface.



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