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Modeling and Simulations for Infectious Diseases


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Modeling and simulations of infectious diseases are useful tools to estimate epidemic size and determine effective intervention methods. Models are idealized, simplified representations of reality. Therefore, a simple model should be the first design, with complex models always able to be added later to better represent reality. The following recommendations are made to ensure accurate simulations: (1) minimal feasible complexity, (2) mathematically well-defined, models should be constructed with well characterized stochastic processes rather than 'ad-hoc'behavioral models, (3) if predictions are being made, unknown parameters need to be robustly estimated using the model from epidemiological data, (4) where data is unavailable, a detailed sensitivity analysis needs to be undertaken, and (5) even if models are only being used to explore dynamics, sensitivity analysis is important to understand mechanisms. For the effective control of infectious diseases with models and simulations, we need effective information systems (laboratory and clinical data) for communicable disease control as a permanent infrastructure, closer collaboration between academic and service providers on new developments in communicable disease control, and enhanced monitoring of veterinary infections and 'minor' zoonoses, particularly in resources poor settings.
机译:传染病的建模和模拟是估计流行病规模和确定有效干预方法的有用工具。模型是现实的理想化、简化表示。因此,简单的模型应该是第一个设计,复杂的模型总是可以在以后添加,以更好地表示现实。为确保模拟准确,提出了以下建议:(1)最小的可行复杂性,(2)数学上定义明确,模型应使用特征明确的随机过程而不是“临时”行为模型构建,(3)如果正在进行预测,则需要使用流行病学数据中的模型对未知参数进行稳健估计,(4)在没有数据的情况下,需要进行详细的敏感性分析, (5)即使模型仅用于探索动力学,敏感性分析对于理解机制也很重要。为了通过模型和模拟有效控制传染病,我们需要有效的传染病控制信息系统(实验室和临床数据)作为永久性基础设施,学术界和服务提供商之间就传染病控制的新发展进行更密切的合作,并加强对兽医感染和“轻微”人畜共患病的监测,特别是在资源匮乏的环境中。



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