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Metal Products Present In Every Facet Of Speedway's Construction


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They may not go 200 miles per hour, but the brightly colored metal wall panels featured on the grandstand at Kansas Speedway do succeed in conveying the action and excitement of auto racing. That was part of the reasoning behind their extensive use on the 261 million dollars project. The facility - owned and operated by International Speedway Corp. - is the largest tourist attraction in the State of Kansas and one of the largest sports facilities in the entire Midwest. Called a next-generation racing facility, it has general admission seating for 75,000 people and luxury suites to accommodate thousands more. There is parking for 43,318 vehicles and 692 RVs, all on a 1,300-acre site. It was designed by the Overland Park, KS, office of the DLR Group. Five different colors of IW10-A metal wall panels are featured on the project, although blue and gold - the colors of the Kansas state flag - are featured. The panels - in various amounts of Purple Grandeur, Amulet Blue, Starsaphire Blue, Yellow Banana and Pure White - were manufactured by CENTRIA, Moon Township, PA. They were installed by Baker-Smith Sheet Metal of Blue Springs, MO.
机译:它们可能不会以每小时200英里的速度行驶,但是堪萨斯赛道看台上鲜艳的金属墙板确实成功地传达了赛车的动作和刺激。这是他们在2.61亿美元的项目中广泛使用背后的部分原因。该设施由International Speedway Corp.拥有和运营,是堪萨斯州最大的旅游胜地,也是整个中西部地区最大的体育设施之一。它被称为下一代赛车设施,拥有可容纳75,000人的一般入场座位,以及可容纳数千人的豪华套房。占地1300英亩的场地可容纳43318辆车和692辆RV。它是由DLR集团办公室的堪萨斯州欧弗兰帕克设计的。该项目采用五种不同颜色的IW10-A金属墙板,但采用蓝色和金色(堪萨斯州州旗的颜色)。镶板由宾夕法尼亚州Moon Township的CENTRIA制造,有各种数量的Purple Grandeur,Amulet Blue,Starsaphire Blue,Yellow Banana和Pure White。它们是由密歇根州蓝泉市的Baker-Smith钣金安装的。



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