首页> 外文期刊>Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental >Obesity, independent of insulin resistance, is a major determinant of blood pressure in normoglycemic Hong Kong Chinese.

Obesity, independent of insulin resistance, is a major determinant of blood pressure in normoglycemic Hong Kong Chinese.


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Obesity and insulin resistance are considered important links underlying the development of hypertension. In Caucasians, there have been many reports of an association between insulin resistance and hypertension. However, this relationship is not consistently found in other ethnic groups. In this study, we examined the involvement of insulin resistance (assessed as fasting insulin-glucose product, FIGP) and general and central obesity as potential links in the development of hypertension in 413 normoglycemic Hong Kong Chinese (56.9% hypertensive) subjects. Anthropometric parameters (waist circumference [WC], waist-to-hip ratio [WHR], body mass index [BMI]), surrogate measures of insulin resistance (fasting plasma glucose, insulin, FIGP), fasting lipids and systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure were measured. Both male and female hypertensives were more obese and dyslipidemic, and the females had higher indices of insulin resistance than the normotensive subjects of the same gender. Before adjustment for age, gender, and adiposity, FIGP correlated with SBP in the total (r = .19, P = .009) and low BMI (r = .23, P < .05) and low WHR (r = .25, P < .01) groups. However, after adjustment, there was no significant relationship between FIGP and blood pressure. In contrast, BMI and WC were strongly associated with blood pressure (r > or = .41, P < .001 for both DBP and SBP in the total population), although in the group with general obesity, the strength of the relationship was weaker (r > or = .13). These relationships persisted after adjustment for age, gender, and FIGP. Obesity, therefore, appears to have a predominant role compared with insulin resistance in determining blood pressure in these normoglycemic Chinese.
机译:肥胖和胰岛素抵抗被认为是导致高血压发展的重要因素。在高加索人中,有许多关于胰岛素抵抗与高血压之间关系的报道。但是,这种关系在其他种族中并不一致。在这项研究中,我们检查了413名正常血糖的香港中国人(56.9%高血压)受试者的胰岛素抵抗(评估为空腹胰岛素-葡萄糖产品,FIGP)和普通肥胖和中枢肥胖是高血压发展的潜在联系。人体测量学参数(腰围[WC],腰臀比[WHR],体重指数[BMI]),胰岛素抵抗的替代指标(空腹血糖,胰岛素,FIGP),空腹脂质和收缩压(SBP)和测量舒张压(DBP)血压。男性和女性高血压患者均较肥胖和血脂异常高,女性的胰岛素抵抗指数高于同性别的正常血压受试者。在调整年龄,性别和肥胖之前,FIGP与SBP相关(r = .19,P = .009),BMI低(r = .23,P <.05)和WHR低(r = .25)。 ,P <.01)组。但是,调整后,FIGP与血压之间没有显着关系。相反,BMI和WC与血压密切相关(总人群中,DBP和SBP的r>或= .41,P <.001,P <.001),尽管在普通肥胖人群中,这种关系的强度较弱(r>或= .13)。在调整了年龄,性别和FIGP之后,这些关系仍然存在。因此,在这些血糖正常的中国人中,在确定血压方面,与胰岛素抵抗相比,肥胖似乎起主要作用。



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