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A requirements index for information processing in hospitals.


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OBJECTIVES: Reference models describing typical information processing requirements in hospitals do not currently exist. This leads to high hospital information system (HIS) management expenses, for example, during tender processes for the acquisition of software application programs. Our aim was, therefore, to develop a comprehensive, lasting, technology-independent, and sufficiently detailed index of requirements for information processing in hospitals in order to reduce respective expenses. METHODS: Two-dozen German experts established an index of requirements for information processing in university hospitals. This was done in a consensus-based, top-down, cyclic manner. Each functional requirement was derived from information processing functions and sub-functions of a hospital. RESULTS: The result is the first official German version of a requirements index, containing 233 functional requirements and 102 function-independent requirements, focusing on German needs. The functional requirements are structured according to the primary care process from admission to discharge and supplemented by requirements for handling patient records, work organization and resource planning, hospital management, research and education. Both the German version and its English translation are available in the Internet. CONCLUSIONS: The index of requirements contains general information processing requirements in hospitals which are formulated independent of information processing tools, or of HIS architectures. It aims at supporting HIS management, especially HIS strategic planning, HIS evaluation, and tender processes. The index can be regarded as a draft, which must, however, be refined according to the specific aims of a particular project. Although focused on German needs, we expect that it can also be useful in other countries. The high amount of interest shown for the index supports its usefulness.
机译:目的:目前尚不存在描述医院中典型信息处理要求的参考模型。例如,这导致在获取软件应用程序的招标过程中,医院信息系统(HIS)管理费用增加。因此,我们的目的是开发一种全面,持久,独立于技术且足够详细的医院信息处理要求指数,以减少相应的支出。方法:两名德国专家建立了大学医院信息处理需求指数。这是以基于共识的,自上而下的循环方式完成的。每个功能需求均来自医院的信息处理功能和子功能。结果:结果是需求索引的第一个正式的德语版本,包含233个功能需求和102个独立于功能的需求,重点关注德国需求。功能要求是根据从入院到出院的基层医疗流程来组织的,并辅以处理患者记录,工作组织和资源计划,医院管理,研究和教育的要求。 Internet上提供了德语版本及其英语翻译。结论:需求索引包含医院中一般信息处理需求,这些需求的制定独立于信息处理工具或HIS体系结构。它旨在支持HIS管理,尤其是HIS战略规划,HIS评估和招标过程。该索引可以视为草稿,但是必须根据特定项目的特定目标进行完善。尽管关注德国的需求,但我们希望它在其他国家也很有用。该索引显示出很高的兴趣量,支持了它的实用性。



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