首页> 外文期刊>Medycyna Weterynaryjna >Hygienic quality of raw milk in relation to methods of production and storage [Polish]

Hygienic quality of raw milk in relation to methods of production and storage [Polish]


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The aim of the study was to assess the effect of systems of production and storage on the hygienic quality of raw milk. The study examined samples of bulk tank milk (n = 8400) collected between 2000-2002 in 350 farms differing in terms of milk production, systems of milking, cooling and milk collection. Milk of the highest microbiological quality was produced in farms producing over 60,000 liters of milk annually, equipped with milk pipeline systems and milking halls installed with modern systems of milk cooling and having direct milk collection. Milk with the lowest somatic cell count was produced in farms producing from 20,000 to 60,000 liters of milk. The relatively high concentration of somatic cells in large specialized farms producing over 100,000 liters of milk annually indicates the necessity to pay closer attention to the clinical status of udders in these herds. Statistical analysis over the years has confirmed that there is a continuing trend to produce milk having an ever-increasing quality of hygiene.
机译:该研究的目的是评估生产和存储系统对生乳卫生质量的影响。该研究检查了2000年至2002年之间在350个农场中收集的散装罐装牛奶(n = 8400)样品,这些农场的牛奶产量,挤奶系统,冷却和牛奶收集方式各不相同。每年生产超过60,000升牛奶的农场生产的微生物质量最高的牛奶,配备了牛奶管道系统和装有现代牛奶冷却系统并可以直接收集牛奶的挤奶厅。体细胞数最低的牛奶是在生产20,000至60,000升牛奶的农场中生产的。在每年生产100,000升牛奶的大型专业化农场中,体细胞相对较高的浓度表明,有必要更加关注这些牛群中乳房的临床状况。多年来的统计分析已经证实,生产具有不断提高的卫生质量的牛奶存在持续的趋势。



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