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Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease: clinical, functional, radiologic, and hemodynamic characteristics and outcome of 24 cases confirmed by histology.


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Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is defined by specific pathologic changes of the pulmonary veins. A definite diagnosis of PVOD thus requires a lung biopsy or pathologic examination of pulmonary explants or postmortem lung samples. However, lung biopsy is hazardous in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension, and there is a need for noninvasive diagnostic tools in this patient population. Patients with PVOD may be refractory to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)-specific therapy and may even deteriorate with it. It is important to identify such patients as soon as possible, because they should be treated cautiously and considered for lung transplantation if eligible. High-resolution computed tomography of the chest can suggest PVOD in the setting of pulmonary hypertension when it shows nodular ground-glass opacities, septal lines, lymph node enlargement, and pleural effusion. Similarly, occult alveolar hemorrhage found on bronchoalveolar lavage in patients with pulmonary hypertension is associated with PVOD. We conducted the current study to identify additional clinical, functional, and hemodynamic characteristics of PVOD.We retrospectively reviewed 48 cases of severe pulmonary hypertension: 24 patients with histologic evidence of PVOD and 24 randomly selected patients with idiopathic, familial, or anorexigen-associated PAH and no evidence of PVOD after meticulous lung pathologic evaluation. We compared clinical and radiologic findings, pulmonary function, and hemodynamics at presentation, as well as outcomes after the initiation of PAH therapy in both groups.Compared to PAH, PVOD was characterized by a higher male:female ratio and higher tobacco exposure (p 0.01). Clinical presentation was similar except for a lower body mass index (p 0.02) in patients with PVOD. At baseline, PVOD patients had significantly lower partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2), diffusing lung capacity of carbon monoxide/alveolar volume (DLCO/VA), and oxygen saturation nadir during the 6-minute walk test (all p 0.01). Hemodynamic parameters showed a lower mean systemic arterial pressure (p 0.01) and right atrial pressure (p 0.05), but no difference in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Four bone morphogenetic protein receptor II (BMPR2) mutations have been previously described in PVOD patients; in the current study we describe 2 additional cases of BMPR2 mutation in PVOD. Computed tomography of the chest revealed nodular and ground-glass opacities, septal lines, and lymph node enlargement more frequently in patients with PVOD compared with patients with PAH (all p 0.05). Among the 16 PVOD patients who received PAH-specific therapy, 7 (43.8%) developed pulmonary edema (mostly with continuous intravenous epoprostenol, but also with oral bosentan and oral calcium channel blockers) at a median of 9 days after treatment initiation. Acute vasodilator testing with nitric oxide and clinical, functional, or hemodynamic characteristics were not predictive of the subsequent occurrence of pulmonary edema on treatment. Clinical outcomes of PVOD patients were worse than those of PAH patients.
机译:肺静脉闭塞性疾病(PVOD)由肺静脉的特定病理变化定义。因此,要明确诊断PVOD,就需要对肺外植体或死后肺样本进行肺活检或病理检查。然而,肺活检对重度肺动脉高压的患者是危险的,并且在该患者人群中需要非侵入性诊断工具。 PVOD患者可能对肺动脉高压(PAH)特有的治疗无效,甚至可能恶化。重要的是尽快识别此类患者,因为应谨慎治疗并考虑是否有资格进行肺移植。胸部高分辨计算机断层扫描可显示肺结节性玻璃样混浊,隔中线,淋巴结肿大和胸腔积液,提示肺动脉高压时PVOD。同样,肺动脉高压患者在支气管肺泡灌洗中发现隐匿性肺泡出血与PVOD相关。我们进行了这项研究以鉴定PVOD的其他临床,功能和血液动力学特征。我们回顾性分析了48例严重肺动脉高压患者:24例具有PVOD的组织学证据的患者和24例随机选择的特发性,家族性或厌食性相关的PAH患者仔细的肺部病理评估后,没有PVOD的证据。我们比较了两组患者的临床和影像学表现,肺功能和血液动力学以及开始进行PAH治疗后的结局。与PAH相比,PVOD的特征是更高的男女比例和更高的烟草暴露(p < 0.01)。 PVOD患者的体重指数较低(p <0.02),临床表现相似。在基线时,在6分钟的步行测试中,PVOD患者的动脉血氧分压(PaO2)显着降低,一氧化碳/肺泡体积(DLCO / VA)的肺弥散能力和最低血氧饱和度降低(所有p <0.01)。血液动力学参数显示较低的平均全身动脉压(p <0.01)和右心房压(p <0.05),但肺毛细血管楔压无差异。先前已经在PVOD患者中描述了四个骨形态发生蛋白受体II(BMPR2)突变;在当前的研究中,我们描述了PVOD中另外2个BMPR2突变病例。与PAH患者相比,PVOD患者的胸部计算机断层扫描显示结节和毛玻璃样混浊,中隔线和淋巴结增大更为常见(所有p <0.05)。在接受PAH特异性治疗的16例PVOD患者中,有7例(43.8%)在治疗开始后的中位数为9天出现了肺水肿(主要伴有持续静脉内依托泊汀,口服波生坦和口服钙通道阻滞剂)。一氧化氮的急性血管扩张剂检测以及临床,功能或血液动力学特征不能预测治疗后肺水肿的发生。 PVOD患者的临床结局较PAH患者差。



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