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Looking through Stone: Poems about the Earth by Susan loannou

机译:透过石头看:苏珊·约阿努(Susan ioannou)关于地球的诗

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It might not be apparent by reading this magazine, but I am a lover of poetry, particularly verse, engendered by being read nursery rhymes and poems by my mother when I was a child, and reinforced by reading them to my own children. I was therefore pleased to receive my own review copy of a recently published Canadian poetry book on the theme of rocks, miner-In "Mineralogy Lesson": ... I believe: the inanimate is prickly with soul, or why do its ions attract, heat rising, and fasten on others faster and faster? Isn't that love? "It's physics," he insists. "Physics." -unaware he blushes. In "Prospector" written for Eira Thomas: That night, she changes the locks to the core-sample tent, unplugs computers, and cuts the telephone line. Under her pillow, pried from a kimberlite length, grinning, she stashes a 2-carat stunner, mark of the highest grade cluster of diamond pipes in the world: 138 million carats.
机译:读这本杂志可能并不明显,但我是诗歌的爱好者,尤其是诗歌,是我小时候被母亲读童谣和诗歌所致,并通过给自己的孩子读书而得到充实。因此,我很高兴收到我自己的最新出版的加拿大诗集,以岩石为主题的评论本,矿工-在“矿物学课”中:...我相信:无生命的人会刺痛灵魂,或者为什么它的离子会吸引人,热量上升,并越来越快地束紧在别人身上?那不是爱吗?他坚持说:“这是物理学。” “物理。” -不知道他脸红了。在为埃拉·托马斯(Eira Thomas)撰写的“探矿者”中:那天晚上,她将锁换到了核心样本帐篷上,拔掉了电脑的电源,并切断了电话线。在她的枕头下,从金伯利岩岩的高度撬起,露出了笑容,她藏起了一颗重达2克拉的尤物,这是世界上最高等级的钻石烟斗的标志:1.38亿克拉。



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