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Sternoclavicular septic arthritis: review of 180 cases.


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We review 170 previously reported cases of sternoclavicular septic arthritis, and report 10 new cases. The mean age of patients was 45 years; 73% were male. Patients presented with chest pain (78%) and shoulder pain (24%) after a median duration of symptoms of 14 days. Only 65% were febrile. Bacteremia was present in 62%. Common risk factors included intravenous drug use (21%), distant site of infection (15%), diabetes mellitus (13%), trauma (12%), and infected central venous line (9%). No risk factor was found in 23%. Serious complications such as osteomyelitis (55%), chest wall abscess or phlegmon (25%), and mediastinitis (13%) were common. Staphylococcus aureus was responsible for 49% of cases, and is now the major cause of sternoclavicular septic arthritis in intravenous drug users. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in injection drug users declined dramatically with the end of an epidemic of pentazocine abuse in the 1980s. Sternoclavicular septic arthritis accounts for 1% of septic arthritis in the general population, but 17% in intravenous drug users, for unclear reasons. Bacteria may enter the sternoclavicular joint from the adjacent valves of the subclavian vein after injection of contaminated drugs into the upper extremity, or the joint may become infected after attempted drug injection between the heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging should be obtained routinely to assess for the presence of chest wall phlegmon, retrosternal abscess, or mediastinitis. If present, en-bloc resection of the sternoclavicular joint is indicated, possibly with ipsilateral pectoralis major muscle flap. Empiric antibiotic therapy may need to cover methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
机译:我们回顾了先前报告的170例锁骨化脓性关节炎病例,并报告了10例新病例。患者的平均年龄为45岁; 73%是男性。中位症状持续时间为14天后,患者出现胸痛(78%)和肩痛(24%)。只有65%的人发热。 62%的人存在细菌血症。常见的危险因素包括静脉使用药物(21%),远处感染(15%),糖尿病(13%),外伤(12%)和感染的中心静脉线(9%)。未发现23%的危险因素。严重的并发症很常见,如骨髓炎(55%),胸壁脓肿或痰(25%)和纵隔炎(13%)。金黄色葡萄球菌占病例的49%,现在是静脉吸毒者中肩锁型化脓性关节炎的主要原因。随着1980年代喷他佐辛滥用流行的结束,注射吸毒者中的铜绿假单胞菌感染急剧下降。由于不清楚的原因,胸锁型化脓性关节炎在普通人群中占化脓性关节炎的1%,但在静脉吸毒者中占17%。在将污染的药物注射到上肢后,细菌可能会从锁骨下静脉的相邻瓣膜进入胸锁关节,或者在尝试将药物注射到胸锁乳突肌头之间后,细菌可能会被感染。应常规获取计算机断层扫描或磁共振成像,以评估是否存在胸壁痰液,胸骨后脓肿或纵隔炎。如果存在,则应行胸锁关节全切除术,可能伴有同侧胸大肌瓣。经验性抗生素治疗可能需要覆盖耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)。



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