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'Am I cut out for this?' Understanding the experience of doubt among first-year medical students


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Purpose: Existing research shows that medical students experience high levels of distress. The purpose of this study was to understand how medical students experience doubt, and how doubt relates to distress.Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted among first-year students at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in June 2012. Students answered survey questions and participated in focus groups about doubt and other forms of distress.Results: Ninety-four percent (112) of students responded to the survey, with 49% reporting a moderate or high degree of doubt. Compared to those reporting no or low doubt, students with moderate/high doubt were significantly more likely to question their purpose and identity, struggle to cope with doubt, and experience depression and emotional hardening. Twenty-eight percent of students (34/112) participated in focus groups to explore their doubt, and three themes emerged: types of doubt, ways of coping with doubt, and impact of doubt.Conclusions: Doubt is highly prevalent among first-year medical students, affects their identity and purpose, and has positive and negative consequences. Doubt among medical students merits awareness and further study, as it may be an important mediator of students' emerging identity and sense of well-being.
机译:目的:现有研究表明,医学生遭受的痛苦程度很高。这项研究的目的是了解医学生如何感到疑惑,以及疑惑与困扰的关系。方法:2012年6月,在约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院的一年级学生中进行了混合方法研究。结果:有94%(112)的学生回答了该调查,其中49%的学生报告了中度或高度的疑问。与没有或没有怀疑的学生相比,具有中度/高度怀疑的学生更有可能质疑自己的目的和身份,难以对付怀疑,并会感到沮丧和情绪硬化。 28%(34/112)的学生参加了焦点小组讨论他们的疑问,出现了三个主题:疑问类型,应付疑问的方式以及疑问的影响。结论:怀疑在第一年中非常普遍。医学生,影响他们的身份和目的,并产生积极和消极的后果。医学生的怀疑值得提高认识和进一步研究,因为它可能是学生新兴身份和幸福感的重要中介。



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