首页> 外文期刊>Medical teacher >A comparison of answer retrieval through four evidence-based textbooks (ACP PIER, Essential Evidence Plus, First Consult, and UpToDate): a randomized controlled trial.

A comparison of answer retrieval through four evidence-based textbooks (ACP PIER, Essential Evidence Plus, First Consult, and UpToDate): a randomized controlled trial.

机译:通过四种基于证据的教科书(ACP PIER,Essential Evidence Plus,First Consult和UpToDate)进行答案检索的比较:一项随机对照试验。

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BACKGROUND: The efficacy of bedside information products has not been properly evaluated, particularly in developing countries. AIM: To compare four evidence-based textbooks by comparing efficacy of their use by clinical residents, as measured by the proportion of questions for which relevant answers could be obtained within 20 min, the time to reach the answer and user satisfaction. METHODS: One hundred and twelve residents were taught information mastery basics and were randomly allocated to four groups to use: (1) ACP PIER, (2) Essential Evidence Plus (formerly InfoRetriever), (3) First Consult, and (4) UpToDate. Participants received 3 of 24 questions randomly to retrieve the answers from the assigned textbook. Retrieved answers and time-to-answers were recorded by special designed software, and the researchers determined if each recorded answer was relevant. RESULTS: The rate of answer retrieval was 86% in UpToDate, 69% in First Consult, 49% in ACP PIER, and 45% in Essential Evidence Plus (p < 0.001). The mean time-to-answer was 14.6 min using UpToDate, 15.9 min using First Consult, 16.3 min using Essential Evidence Plus, and 17.3 min using ACP PIER (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: UpToDate seems more comprehensive in content and also faster than the other three evidence-based textbooks. Thus, it may be considered as one of the best sources for answering clinicians' questions at the point of care.
机译:背景:床头信息产品的功效尚未得到适当评估,尤其是在发展中国家。目的:通过比较临床居民使用四本循证教科书的功效,以在20分钟内可获得相关答案的问题所占的比例,到达答案的时间和用户满意度来衡量。方法:向112位居民讲授信息掌握基础知识,并将他们随机分配给四个组使用:(1)ACP PIER,(2)Essential Evidence Plus(以前称为InfoRetriever),(3)First Consult和(4)UpToDate 。参与者随机收到24个问题中的3个,以从分配的教科书中检索答案。检索到的答案和到达答案的时间由专门设计的软件记录下来,研究人员确定每个记录的答案是否相关。结果:UpToDate中的答案检索率为86%,First Consult中为69%,ACP PIER中为49%,Essential Evidence Plus中为45%(p <0.001)。使用UpToDate的平均应答时间为14.6分钟,使用First Consult的平均应答时间为15.9分钟,使用Essential Evidence Plus的平均应答时间为16.3分钟,使用ACP PIER的平均应答时间为17.3分钟(p <0.001)。结论:UpToDate的内容似乎比其他三本基于证据的教科书还全面,并且速度更快。因此,它可以被视为在护理时回答临床医生问题的最佳来源之一。



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