首页> 外文期刊>The British journal of general practice: the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners >Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a randomised trial of training in information management, evidence-based medicine, both or neither: the PIER trial.

Secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: a randomised trial of training in information management, evidence-based medicine, both or neither: the PIER trial.




BACKGROUND: Sub-optimal management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients is widespread in primary and secondary care, with risk factors frequently unrecorded or untreated. AIM: To investigate the effectiveness of educational interventions developed in primary care, on recording, prescribing and control of risk factors among all patients recorded by their general practitioner as having CVD. DESIGN OF STUDY: Factorial, duster-randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Primary care teams representing the range of practice development in a geographically defined area in inner London. METHOD: Participating practices were randomly allocated to one of the four intervention groups: information, evidence, both or neither. Interventions were tailored to suit individual practice needs. At a mean of 19 months after baseline, and three months after the end of intervention, practices carried out the follow-up assessment of recording, treatment, and control of risk factors in the same CVD patients. RESULTS: Adequate recording of all three risk factors, found inapproximately a third of patients at baseline, increased non-significantly by 10.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.9 to 24.9) in the information (versus not information) group and by 6.6% (95% [CI] = 8.9 to 22.0) in the evidence (versus not evidence) group. Factorial improvements in prescribing and control of risk factors tended not to be significant. Adequate recording of an three risk factors showed the greatest improvement in the information plus evidence group (19.9% increase, P for heterogeneity across the four groups < or = 0.001). Mean change from baseline to follow-up within the four intervention groups suggested improvements in the combined information plus evidence group in cholesterol recording (22.5% increase), prescribing of lipid lowering drugs (4.4% increase) and mean cholesterol (0.7 mmol/l decrease). CONCLUSIONS: Adequate risk factor recording did not differ between the information (versus not information) or the evidence (versus not evidence) intervention groups. Combined training in information systems and evidence-based medicine should be considered in the design of future interventions, to improve secondary prevention of CVD.
机译:背景:心血管疾病(CVD)患者的次优治疗在初级和二级医疗中普遍存在,危险因素经常未被记录或未得到治疗。目的:调查在全科医师记录为患有心血管疾病的所有患者中记录,开处方和控制危险因素后,在初级保健中开发的教育干预措施的有效性。研究设计:因果试验,除尘器随机对照试验。地点:基层医疗团队代表伦敦市中心地理区域内的医疗实践发展范围。方法:将参与实践随机分配到四个干预组之一:信息,证据或两者皆不。量身定制的干预措施可以满足个人实践需求。在基线后平均19个月和干预结束后3个月,实践对同一CVD患者的记录,治疗和控制危险因素进行了随访评估。结果:在信息组(相对于非信息组)中,对所有三个危险因素的充分记录(在基线时约有三分之一的患者中发现)显着增加了10.5%(95%置信区间[CI] = 3.9至24.9),无明显增加。证据组(而非证据组)为6.6%(95%[CI] = 8.9至22.0)。在处方和控制风险因素方面的因素改善往往并不明显。充分记录三个危险因素显示,信息加证据组的改善最大(增加了19.9%,四组异质性的P≤0.001)。四个干预组从基线到随访的平均变化表明,合并信息和证据组的胆固醇记录有所改善(增加了22.5%),开出降脂药的处方(增加了4.4%)和平均胆固醇(减少了0.7 mmol / l) )。结论:足够的危险因素记录在信息干预组与证据干预组之间没有差异。在设计未来的干预措施时,应考虑将信息系统培训与循证医学相结合,以改善CVD的二级预防。



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