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On the Normativity of the Immune System


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In the 1940s, Georges Canguilhem has established the concept of biological normativity on the level of the organism in his key work on "The Normal and the Pathological". We would like to present a contemporary analysis of Canguilhem's work, set it in context with more recent results from the field of complexity and immunology, and evaluate the problematic whether normativity is a genuine capacity of the organism. Based on Canguilhem's conditions of the definition of biological normativity, we show that the immune system as one of the complex systems of the living equally shares the capacity to be normative. We will then conclude that normativity can also be conceptually independently displayed on the level of complex systems of the living.
机译:在1940年代,乔治·坎圭尔姆(Georges Canguilhem)在其关于“正常与病理学”的关键著作中确立了生物水平上的生物规范性的概念。我们想对Canguilhem的工作进行当代分析,将其与复杂性和免疫学领域的最新结果结合起来,并评估规范性是否是有机体的真正能力这一问题。基于坎吉米尔(Canguilhem)关于生物规范性定义的条件,我们表明,免疫系统作为生命的复杂系统之一,同样具有规范性的能力。然后我们将得出结论,规范性也可以在概念上独立地显示在复杂的生活系统水平上。



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