首页> 外文期刊>Medical Physics >Local bone enhancement fuzzy clustering for segmentation of MR trabecular bone images.

Local bone enhancement fuzzy clustering for segmentation of MR trabecular bone images.


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PURPOSE: Segmentation of trabecular bone from magnetic resonance (MR) images is a challenging task due to spatial resolution limitations, signal-to-noise ratio constraints, and signal intensity inhomogeneities. This article examines an alternative approach to trabecular bone segmentation using partial membership segmentation termed fuzzy C-means clustering incorporating local second order features for bone enhancement (BE-FCM) at multiple scales. This approach is meant to allow for a soft segmentation that accounts for partial volume effects while suppressing the influence of noise. METHODS: A soft segmentation method was developed and evaluated on three different sets of data; interscan reproducibility was evaluated on six test-retest in vivo MR scans of the proximal femur, correlation between MR and HR-pQCT measurements was evaluated on 49 in vivo scans from the distal tibia, and the potential for fracture discrimination was evaluated using MR scans of calcaneus specimens from 15 participants with and 15 participants without vertebral fracture. The algorithm was compared to fuzzy clustering using the intensity as the only feature (I-FCM) and a dual thresholding algorithm. The metric evaluated was bone volume over total volume (BV/TV) within user-defined regions of interest. RESULTS: BE-FCM had a higher interscan reproducibility (rms CV: 2.0%) compared to I-FCM (5.6%) and thresholding (4.2%), and expressed higher correlation to HR-pQCT data (r = 0.79, p < 10(-11)) compared to I-FCM (r = 0.74, p < 10(-8)) and thresholding (r = 0.70, p < 10(-6)). BE-FCM was also the method that was best able to differentiate between a control and a vertebral fracture group at a 95% significance level. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that trabecular bone segmentation by BE-FCM can provide a precise BV/TV measurement that is sensitive to pathology. The segmentation method may become useful in MR imaging-based quantification of bone microarchitecture.
机译:目的:由于空间分辨率的限制,信噪比的限制以及信号强度的不均匀性,从磁共振(MR)图像中分割小梁骨是一项艰巨的任务。本文探讨了一种使用称为模糊C均值聚类的部分隶属度分段进行小梁骨分段的替代方法,该方法在多个尺度上结合了用于骨骼增强的局部二阶特征(BE-FCM)。该方法旨在允许进行软分割,从而在抑制噪声影响的同时考虑部分体积的影响。方法:开发了一种软分割方法,并根据三组不同的数据进行了评估。在六次股骨近端的体内MR扫描测试中评估了扫描间的可重复性,对胫骨远端的49次体内扫描评估了MR和HR-pQCT测量值之间的相关性,并使用MR扫描评估了骨折鉴别的可能性来自15名有脊椎骨折的参与者和15名无椎骨骨折的参与者的跟骨标本。使用强度作为唯一特征(I-FCM)和双重阈值算法将该算法与模糊聚类进行了比较。评估的指标是用户定义的感兴趣区域内的骨体积占总体积(BV / TV)。结果:与I-FCM(5.6%)和阈值(4.2%)相比,BE-FCM具有更高的扫描间再现性(rms CV:2.0%),并且与HR-pQCT数据相关性更高(r = 0.79,p <10 (-11))与I-FCM(r = 0.74,p <10(-8))和阈值(r = 0.70,p <10(-6))进行比较。 BE-FCM还是最能以95%的显着性水平区分对照组和椎骨骨折组的方法。结论:结果表明,BE-FCM进行小梁骨分割可以提供对病理敏感的精确BV / TV测量。分割方法可能在基于MR成像的骨微体系结构量化中变得有用。



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