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Influence of sensor ingestion timing on consistency of temperature measures.


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PURPOSE: The validity and the reliability of using intestinal temperature (T int) via ingestible temperature sensors (ITS) to measure core body temperature have been demonstrated. However, the effect of elapsed time between ITS ingestion and T int measurement has not been thoroughly studied. METHODS: Eight volunteers (six men and two women) swallowed ITS 5 h (ITS-5) and 29 h (ITS-29) before 4 h of varying intensity activity. T int was measured simultaneously from both ITS, and T int differences between the ITS-5 and the ITS-29 over the 4 h of activity were plotted and compared relative to a meaningful threshold of acceptance (+/-0.25 degrees C). The percentage of time in which the differences between paired ITS (ITS-5 vs ITS-29) were greater than or less than the threshold of acceptance was calculated. RESULTS: T int values showed no systematic bias, were normally distributed, and ranged from 36.94 degrees C to 39.24 degrees C. The maximum T int difference between paired ITS was 0.83 degrees C with a minimum difference of 0.00 degrees C. The typical magnitude of the differences (SE of the estimate) was 0.24 degrees C, and these differences were uniform across the entire range of observed temperatures. Paired T int measures fell outside of the threshold of acceptance 43.8% of the time during the 4 h of activity. CONCLUSIONS: The differences between ITS-5 and ITS-29 were larger than the threshold of acceptance during a substantial portion of the observed 4-h activity period. Ingesting an ITS more than 5 h before activity will not completely eliminate confounding factors but may improve accuracy and consistency of core body temperature.
机译:目的:已经证明了通过可摄入温度传感器(ITS)使用肠道温度(T int)来测量核心体温的有效性和可靠性。但是,尚未完全研究ITS摄入与T int测量之间经过时间的影响。方法:8名志愿者(6名男性和2名女性)在不同强度运动的4 h之前吞咽了ITS 5 h(ITS-5)和29 h(ITS-29)。同时从ITS中测量了T int,并绘制了活动4小时后ITS-5和ITS-29之间的T int差异,并与有意义的接受阈值(+/- 0.25摄氏度)进行了比较。计算配对的ITS之间的差异(ITS-5与ITS-29)大于或小于接受阈值的时间百分比。结果:T int值无系统偏差,呈正态分布,范围在36.94摄氏度至39.24摄氏度之间。成对ITS之间的最大T int差异为0.83摄氏度,最小差异为0.00摄氏度。差异(估计值的SE)为0.24摄氏度,并且这些差异在观察到的温度的整个范围内是均匀的。配对的T int量度在活动的4小时内超出接受阈值的43.8%。结论:在观察到的4小时活动期间的大部分时间内,ITS-5和ITS-29之间的差异大于接受阈值。在活动前超过5小时摄入ITS并不能完全消除混杂因素,但可以提高核心体温的准确性和一致性。



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