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Whither the need for faculty development?


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'The students did not receive feedback regarding their clinical performance;' 'the lecture was soul destroying;' 'the assessment strategy did not validly complement the goals of the course.' These criticisms, among others, are prevalent within the medical education community and each is routinely met with the rejoinder, 'It is a faculty development problem.' The implication, which is often more explicit than implied, is that we simply need to do a better job of educating the educators regarding how to best fulfil their teaching responsibilities. Get teachers into workshops and explain how to deliver effective feedback, how to plan entertaining and informative teaching sessions, and how to design assessment strategies that will steer students in the right direction and help students and faculty alike achieve the goals of the course. Provide some practice opportunities and all the educational challenges will be resolved.
机译:“学生没有收到有关其临床表现的反馈;” “演讲是在毁灭灵魂;” “评估策略没有有效地补充课程的目标。”这些批评,除其他外,在医学教育界十分普遍,每一次都经常遭到批评,“这是教师发展的问题。”其含义通常比所隐含的含义更明确,那就是我们只需要更好地教育教育者如何最好地履行其教学职责。让教师参加讲习班,并说明如何提供有效的反馈,如何计划有趣的教学活动以及如何设计评估策略,以引导学生朝正确的方向发展,并帮助学生和教职员工实现课程目标。提供一些实践机会,所有的教育挑战都将得到解决。



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