首页> 外文期刊>Medical dosimetry: official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists >Role of ovarian transposition based on the dosimetric effects of craniospinal irradiation on the ovaries: a case report.

Role of ovarian transposition based on the dosimetric effects of craniospinal irradiation on the ovaries: a case report.


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In this study, we present a case of laparoscopic ovarian transposition to preserve ovarian function in an adult female patient treated with craniospinal irradiation for standard risk medulloblastoma. The prescribed dose to the craniospinal axis was 2340 cGy at 180 cGy per fraction and was delivered with 6-MV photons. Before ovarian transposition, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis was obtained for localization of the ovaries and was registered with the planning computed tomography (CT) scan. Surgical clips allowed for CT localization of the ovaries after transposition. As a result of ovarian transposition, mean and maximum radiation doses decreased from 983 to 68 cGy and 1624 to 84 cGy for the left ovary and from 166 to 87 cGy and 723 to 103 cGy for the right ovary, respectively. Review of the literature indicates that such radiation doses are below the threshold that causes ovarian dysfunction and infertility. We conclude that ovarian localization with an MRI of the pelvis can be offered to females undergoing craniospinal irradiation. Transposition of the ovaries provides an option to preserve ovarian function in cases where the ovaries would otherwise be included within the radiation field.
机译:在这项研究中,我们提出了一例腹腔镜卵巢移位术,以保留经颅脊髓照射治疗的成年女性髓母细胞瘤的成年女性患者的卵巢功能。颅骨椎轴的处方剂量为2340 cGy,每级分180 cGy,并以6-MV光子递送。在卵巢移位之前,获得骨盆的磁共振成像(MRI)以定位卵巢,并在计划的计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描中进行记录。手术夹允许在移位后卵巢的CT定位。卵巢移位的结果是,左卵巢的平均和最大辐射剂量分别从983cGy降低到68 cGy,右卵巢的辐射剂量从16 cGy降低到84 cGy,右卵巢的辐射剂量从723 cgy降低到103 cGy。文献综述表明,这种放射剂量低于引起卵巢功能障碍和不育的阈值。我们得出的结论是,可以向接受颅脊柱照射的女性提供带有骨盆MRI的卵巢定位。卵巢的移位为卵巢保留在辐射场内的情况下提供了保持卵巢功能的选择。



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