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Impact of chronic condition status and severity on dental utilization for Iowa Medicaid-enrolled children.


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BACKGROUND: Although Medicaid-enrolled children with a chronic condition (CC) may be less likely to use dental care because of factors related to their CC, dental utilization for this population is poorly understood. OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between CC status and CC severity, respectively, on dental utilization for Iowa Medicaid-enrolled children. RESEARCH DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study of Iowa Medicaid data (January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2006). SUBJECTS: Medicaid-enrolled children aged 3 to 14 (N = 71,115) years. MEASURES: The 3M Corporation Clinical Risk Grouping methods were used to assess CC status (no/yes) and CC severity (episodic/life-long/malignancy/complex). The outcome variable was any dental utilization in 2006. Secondary outcomes included use of diagnostic, preventive, routine restorative, or complex restorative dental care. RESULTS: After adjusting for model covariates, Iowa Medicaid-enrolled children with a CC were significantly more likely to use each type of dental care except routine restorative care (P = 0.86) than those without a CC, although the differences in the odds were small (4%-6%). Compared with Medicaid-enrolled children with an episodic CC, children with a life-long CC were less likely to use routine restorative care (P < 0.0001), children with a malignancy were more likely to use complex restorative care (P < 0.03), and children with a complex CC were less likely to use each type of dental care except complex restorative care (P = 0.97). CONCLUSIONS: There were differences in dental utilization for Iowa Medicaid-enrolled children by CC status and CC severity. Children with complex CCs were the least likely to use dental care. Future research efforts should seek to understand why subgroups of Medicaid-enrolled children with a CC exhibit lower dental utilization.
机译:背景:尽管由于参加医疗补助的儿童患有慢性病(CC)的相关因素可能不太可能进行牙科护理,但对该人群的牙齿利用情况知之甚少。目的:分别评估爱荷华州医疗补助儿童的CC状况和CC严重程度与牙齿利用率之间的关系。研究设计:爱荷华州医疗补助数据的回顾性队列研究(2003年1月1日至2006年12月31日)。受试者:3岁至14岁(N = 71,115)的接受医疗补助的儿童。措施:3M公司临床风险分组方法用于评估CC状态(否/是)和CC严重程度(发作/终生/恶性/复杂)。结果变量是2006年的牙科使用量。次要结果包括使用诊断,预防,常规修复或复杂的修复牙齿护理。结果:校正模型协变量后,爱荷华州医疗补助计划中有CC的儿童比常规无CC护理的儿童更倾向于使用每种类型的牙科护理(P = 0.86),尽管几率差异很小(4%-6%)。与采用定期CC的Medicaid登记儿童相比,终身CC的儿童不太可能使用常规恢复性护理(P <0.0001),恶性儿童更可能使用复杂的恢复性护理(P <0.03),和患有CC的儿童除进行复杂的恢复性护理外,很少使用每种类型的牙科护理(P = 0.97)。结论:爱荷华州医疗补助参加者的牙齿使用情况在CC状态和CC严重程度方面存在差异。患有CC的儿童最不可能使用牙齿护理。未来的研究工作应试图了解为什么参加CC的医疗补助儿童分组显示出较低的牙齿利用率。



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