首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Medical Association Journal: Journal de l'Association Medicale Canadienne >Eruptive xanthomas in a patient with severe hypertriglyceridemia and type 2 diabetes

Eruptive xanthomas in a patient with severe hypertriglyceridemia and type 2 diabetes


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A 46-year-old man with obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and bipolar disorder presented with a rash (Figure 1) accompanied by ongoing excessive urine production, excessive thirst and blurred vision. The lesions had appeared on his arms 1 month earlier and had spread to his neck, buttocks and legs. He was taking quetiapine and metoprolol. Both of the patient's parents had type 2 diabetes mellitus. A physical examination showed crops of firm yellow-red papules (diameter 1-3 mm) distributed on the patient's neck, bilateral extremities and buttocks, suggestive of eruptive xanthomas. Laboratory investigations showed elevated levels of triglycerides (64.2 [normal 0.6-2.8] mmol/L), cholesterol (18.2 [normal 3.1-5.2] mmol/L), acet-ylated hemoglobin (139.3 [normal 25.6-42.0] mmol/mol) and glucose (31.2 [normal 3.3-6.1] mmol/L). Results of kidney and liver function tests were normal, as were the results of tests for thyroid stimulating hormone, triiodothyronin, thy-roxin, amylase and lipase.
机译:一名46岁的肥胖,高血压,高脂血症和躁郁症患者出现皮疹(图1),并伴有持续的尿液过多,口渴和视力模糊。病变在1个月前出现在他的手臂上,并扩散到他的脖子,臀部和腿部。他正在服用喹硫平和美托洛尔。患者的父母双方都患有2型糖尿病。体格检查显示,在患者的颈部,双侧肢体和臀部分布着牢固的黄红色丘疹(直径1-3毫米),提示爆发了黄瘤。实验室调查显示甘油三酸酯(64.2 [正常0.6-2.8] mmol / L),胆固醇(18.2 [正常3.1-5.2] mmol / L),乙酰化血红蛋白(139.3 [正常25.6-42.0] mmol / mol)升高水平和葡萄糖(31.2 [正常3.3-6.1] mmol / L)。肾和肝功能检查结果正常,甲状腺刺激激素,三碘甲状腺原素,甲状腺素,淀粉酶和脂肪酶的检查结果也正常。



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