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Ascorbic acid, glycation, glycohemoglobin and aging.


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The glycation of proteins alters both their structure and function. These changes have been linked to diabetic disorders and aging. The glycation of hemoglobin is also used as a diagnostic tool; the extent of glycation being a reflection of blood glucose averaged over a two to three month period. Accurate measures of average blood sugar (e.g., glycohemoglobin (GHb)) are important in clinical management of diabetes, pregnancy, cancer, etc. Ascorbic acid (AA) can react with proteins, including hemoglobin, and possibly interfere with GHb measurements. Past reports on the impact of AA on in vivo glycation have been equivocal. We studied GHb in subjects supplementing up to 20 g AA daily and found that for each 30 micromol/L increase in plasma AA, GHb was reduced by approximately 0.1. These results suggest that high AA intake can depress glycation, reduce GHb and lead to a clinically relevant underestimation of average blood sugar. Because AA is the most commonly consumed dietary supplement, awareness of an AA-associated bias in GHb is imperative. Of even broader significance is the possibility of AA-mediated inhibition of glycation in all proteins and the implications for aging. Moreover, AA could contribute through several other mechanisms to slowing of human aging (e.g., antioxidant properties, acceleration of pentose phosphate pathway, replacement of structural proteins).
机译:蛋白质的糖基化会改变其结构和功能。这些变化与糖尿病疾病和衰老有关。血红蛋白的糖基化也被用作诊断工具。糖化程度反映了血糖在两到三个月内的平均水平。准确测量平均血糖(例如,糖化血红蛋白(GHb))对糖尿病,妊娠,癌症等的临床管理很重要。抗坏血酸(AA)会与包括血红蛋白在内的蛋白质发生反应,并可能会干扰GHb的测量。过去有关AA对体内糖化作用影响的报道是模棱两可的。我们在每天补充多达20 g AA的受试者中研究了GHb,发现血浆AA每升高30 micromol / L,GHb就会降低约0.1。这些结果表明,高摄入量的AA可以降低糖化,降低GHb并导致临床上对平均血糖的低估。由于AA是最常食用的膳食补充剂,因此必须了解GHb中与AA相关的偏见。具有更广泛意义的是在所有蛋白质中AA介导的糖基化抑制作用的可能性以及对衰老的影响。而且,AA可通过其他几种机制来减缓人类衰老(例如,抗氧化剂特性,磷酸戊糖途径的加速,结构蛋白的替换)。



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