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Language, games and the role of interpreters in psychiatric diagnosis: a Wittgensteinian thought experiment


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British society is becoming increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse. This poses a major challenge to mental health services charged with the responsibility to work in ways that respect cultural and linguistic difference. In this paper we investigate the problems of interpretation in the diagnosis of depression using a thought experiment to demonstrate important features of language-games, an idea introduced by Ludwig Wittgenstein in his late work, Philosophical investigations. The thought experiment draws attention to the importance of culture and contexts in understanding the meaning of particular utterances. This has implications not only for how we understand the role of interpreters in clinical settings, and who might best be suited to function in such a role, but more generally it draws attention to the importance of involving members of black minority ethnic (BME) communities in working alongside mainstream mental health services. We conclude that the involvement of BME community development workers inside, alongside and outside statutory services can potentially improve the quality of care for people from BME communities who use these services.
机译:英国社会在文化和语言上正变得越来越多样化。这对负责以尊重文化和语言差异的方式工作的精神卫生服务构成了重大挑战。在本文中,我们通过思想实验来证明语言游戏的重要特征,来研究抑郁症诊断中的解释问题,这是路德维希·维特根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)在其后期研究《哲学研究》中提出的一个思想。思想实验提请人们注意文化和环境在理解特定话语含义方面的重要性。这不仅对我们如何理解口译员在临床环境中的作用以及可能最适合担任这种角色的人有影响,而且更普遍地,它提请注意让黑人少数族裔(BME)社区成员参与的重要性与主流精神卫生服务一起工作。我们得出的结论是,BME社区发展工作者在法定服务的内部和外部的参与可以潜在地提高使用这些服务的BME社区人们的护理质量。



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