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Prevention of Catheter and Intravascular Device-Related Infections: A Quality-of-Care Mandate for Institutions and Physicians


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In this issue of-Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Maki et al1 summarize the relative risk of bloodstream infections that result from .various forms of catheters and intravascular devices. Their calculations are based on a review of 200 published prospective observational or clinical trials. The authors point out that their calculations of the infection rates may be slightly high, representing the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval, since they analyzed only studies that took into account all patients with intravascular devices that were prospectively cultured. Nevertheless, their systematic technique for reviewing the literature yields a useful metric for comparing various intravascular appliances and methods of insertion.Catheter- or device-related bloodstream infections are
机译:在本期《 Mayo临床研究》中,Maki等人1总结了由各种形式的导管和血管内装置引起的血流感染的相对风险。他们的计算基于对200篇已发表的前瞻性观察或临床试验的回顾。作者指出,他们对感染率的计算可能略高,代表了95%置信区间的上限,因为他们仅分析了考虑到所有前瞻性培养的血管内装置患者的研究。然而,他们的系统文献综述技术为比较各种血管内矫治器和插入方法提供了有用的指标。



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