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An Anniversary for Bernoulli's Ars Conjectandi

机译:伯努利Ars Conjectandi周年纪念

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The year 2013 marks the tercentenary of the appearance of Jacob (Jacques) Bernoulli's posthumous masterpiece, his Ars Conjectandi, which appeared in 1713, eight years after Bernoulli's death. Jacob was one member of that vast family of Bernoullis in Basel—rather the mathematical equivalent of the large number of Bachs in Leipzig— active at roughly the same time. The author of the Ars Conjectandi was probably the most illustrious member of the family, but he had a close competitor in his younger brother Johann (Jean). There were many others, most notably Daniel, who worked primarily in St. Petersburg, but the family, frugal at coming up with new first names, produced enough Jacobs, Johanns, Nikolauses, Christoffs, and Daniels that it helps to give them the equivalent of subscripts. Henceforth "Bernoulli" here will refer, unless otherwise noted, to Jacob I Bernoulli.
机译:2013年是雅各布(雅克)伯努利死后杰作他的Ars Conjectandi诞生一百周年,该作品于1713年(伯努利去世八年后)出现。雅各布是巴塞尔庞大的伯努利家族的一员,在数学上相当于在莱比锡的大量巴赫教徒。 Ars Conjectandi的作者可能是家族中最杰出的成员,但他的弟弟Johann(Jean)与他有着密切的竞争者。还有很多其他人,最著名的是丹尼尔(Daniel),他主要在圣彼得堡工作,但是他们的家庭节俭地提出新的名字,因此产生了足够多的雅各布,约翰,尼古拉斯,克里斯托夫和丹尼尔斯,这足以使他们获得同等的收入下标。从今以后,除非另有说明,否则“伯努利”将指的是雅各布一世伯努利。



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