首页> 外文期刊>Materials Characterization >Characterization of the effects of process parameters on macrosegregation in a high-pressure die-cast Magnesium alloy

Characterization of the effects of process parameters on macrosegregation in a high-pressure die-cast Magnesium alloy


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Normal and inverse solute segregations have been reported to occur in several Al-alloys as well as in some other nonferrous alloys. Nonetheless, these phenomena have not been studied in high-pressure die-cast (HPDC) Mg-alloys. This contribution reports an experimental metallographic evidence of inverse surface macrosegregation in a HPDC AM60 Mg-alloy and the effects of process parameters on the extent of inverse segregation. It is observed that low gate velocity, low liquid metal temperature before casting, and application of intensification pressure lead to high extent of inverse macrosegregation at the cast surfaces of HPDC AM60 Mg-alloy. Unfortunately, this combination of HPDC process parameters is also often utilized to achieve low micro-porosity levels. Consequently, in such cases, the beneficial effects of low levels of micro-porosity on the fracture related mechanical properties might be nullified by the adverse effects of enhanced macrosegregation.
机译:据报道,几种铝合金以及某些其他有色合金中均发生正向和反向溶质偏析。但是,尚未在高压压铸(HPDC)镁合金中研究这些现象。该贡献报告了HPDC AM60镁合金中逆表面宏观偏析的实验金相证据,以及工艺参数对逆偏析程度的影响。可以看出,低浇口速度,铸造前液态金属温度低和施加强化压力会导致HPDC AM60 Mg合金铸造表面出现大量逆宏观偏析。不幸的是,HPDC工艺参数的这种组合也经常用于实现低微孔率水平。因此,在这种情况下,低宏观孔隙度对与裂缝相关的机械性能的有利影响可能会因宏观偏析增强的不利影响而抵消。



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