首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences >Cumulative impacts of hydrology and human activities on water quality in the St. Lawrence River (Lake Saint-Pierre, Quebec, Canada)

Cumulative impacts of hydrology and human activities on water quality in the St. Lawrence River (Lake Saint-Pierre, Quebec, Canada)


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The cumulative impacts of discharge and human activities on the spatial variations of water quality were assessed from monthly measurements at 80-110 stations in a similar to 300 km super(2) widening of the St. Lawrence River (Lake Saint- Pierre, Quebec). Water quality was poorest under high discharge conditions and in shallow riparian areas under the influence of small tributaries draining farmlands; spatial variability was amplified by aquatic macrophytes. In 2004, over 40% of the study area exceeded the provincial water quality criterion (total phosphorus = 30 A mu g PA*L super(-1)) to protect aquatic life in rivers. Nutrient retention occurred mostly during summer when macrophytes were abundant and current velocities were low. Erosion of dredged deposits near the navigation channel was observed during summer, when current velocities increased in the deep channel because of flow obstruction by macrophytes growing in shallow areas. Low discharge conditions and high macrophyte abundance sharpened the contrast between the Lake Ontario waters flowing rapidly through the central river channel and the slow-flowing, low- quality tributary waters along the shores. The cumulative effect of high nutrient inflow from urban areas and farmlands, the man-made navigation channel, and seasonal flow obstruction by macrophytes thus induce a marked spatial variability in water quality within Lake Saint-Pierre.
机译:根据圣劳伦斯河(魁北克圣皮埃尔湖)的300 km super(2)拓宽,通过80-110个站的月度测量评估了排放和人类活动对水质空间变化的累积影响。 。在高排水条件下以及在小支流排水农田的影响下,在浅河沿岸地区,水质最差;水生植物放大了空间变异性。 2004年,超过40%的研究区域超出了省级水质标准(总磷= 30 Aμg PA * L super(-1)),以保护河流的水生生物。在大型植物丰富且流速低的夏季,养分主要发生在夏季。夏季观察到航道附近疏dr的沉积物受到侵蚀,这是由于浅水区生长的大型植物阻塞了水流,导致深航道的流速增加了。低排放条件和丰富的植物丰富度加剧了快速流过中央河道的安大略湖水与沿岸缓慢流动的劣质支流之间的反差。来自城市和农田的大量养分流入,人为的航行通道以及大型植物的季节性流动阻塞的累积效应因此导致了圣皮埃尔湖水质的明显空间变化。



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