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Non-discrete metrics in ZF and some notions of finiteness


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We show that (i) it is consistent with ZF that there are infinite sets X on which every metric is discrete; (ii) the notion of real infinite is strictly stronger than that of metrically infinite; (iii) a set X is metrically infinite if and only if it is weakly Dedekind-infinite if and only if the cardinality of the set of all metrically finite subsets of X is strictly less than the size of P (X); and (iv) an infinite set X is weakly Dedekind-infinite if and only if (P (X), subset of) has infinite towers if and only if X has countable partitions. (C) 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
机译:我们证明(i)与ZF一致的是,存在无限集合X,每个度量都是离散的; (ii)实无穷的概念严格比度量无穷的概念强; (iii)当且仅当集合X的所有度量有限子集的基数严格小于P(X)的大小时,集合X是度量上无限的,并且仅当它是弱Dedekind无限时; (iv)当且仅当(P(X)的子集)具有无限塔且且仅当X具有可数分区时,X才是弱Dedekind无限的。 (C)2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,魏因海姆



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