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The effects of storms and storm-generated currents on sand beaches in Southern Maine, USA


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Storms are one of the most important controls on the cycle of erosion and accretion on beaches. Current meters placed in shoreface locations of Saco Bay and Wells Embayment, ME, recorded bottom currents during the winter months of 2000 and 2001, while teams of volunteers profiled the topography of nearby beaches. Coupling offshore meteorological and beach profile data made it possible to determine the response of nine beaches in southern Maine to various oceanographic and meteorological conditions. The beaches selected for profiling ranged from pristine to completely developed and permitted further examination of the role of seawalls on the response of beaches to storms.Current meters documented three unique types of storms: frontal passages, southwest storms, and northeast storms. In general, the current meter results indicate that frontal passages and southwest storms were responsible for bringing sediment towards the shore, while northeast storms resulted in a net movement of sediment away from the beach. During the 1999-2000 winter, there were a greater percentage of frontal passages and southwest storms, while during the 2000-2001 winter, there were more northeast storms. The sediment that was transported landward during the 1999-2000 winter was reworked into the berm along moderately and highly developed beaches during the next summer.A northeast storm on March 5-6, 2001, resulted in currents in excess of 1 m s~(-1) and wave heights that reached six meters. The storm persisted over 10 high tides and caused coastal flooding and property damage. Topographic profiles made before and after the storm demonstrate that developed beaches experienced a loss of sediment volume during the storm, while sediment was redistributed along the profile on moderately developed and undeveloped beaches. Two months after the storm, the profiles along the developed beaches had not reached their pre-storm elevation. In comparison, the moderately developed and undeveloped beaches reached and exceeded their pre-storm elevation and began to show berm buildup characteristic of the summer months.
机译:风暴是控制海滩侵蚀和积聚周期的最重要控制措施之一。位于2000年和2001年冬季的萨科湾(Saco Bay)和威尔斯(Wells Embayment)岸边位置的水表记录了2000年和2001年冬季的底流,而志愿者团队则对附近海滩的地形进行了剖析。结合近海气象和海滩剖面数据,可以确定缅因州南部的9个海滩对各种海洋和气象条件的响应。选择进行剖析的海滩范围从原始到完全发展,并允许进一步检查海堤在海滩对暴风雨的响应中的作用。当前的仪表记录了三种独特的暴风雨类型:正面通道,西南暴风雨和东北暴风雨。总的来说,当前的水表测量结果表明,正面通道和西南风暴是造成沉积物流向海岸的原因,而东北风暴则导致了沉积物从海滩的净运动。在1999-2000年冬季,正面通道和西南风暴的比例更高,而在2000-2001年冬季,东北风暴则更多。在1999-2000年冬季向陆地输送的沉积物于次年夏天在中等和高度发达的海滩上被重新处理到护堤中。2001年3月5日至6日发生东北暴风雨,导致洋流超过1 ms〜(- 1)波高达到六米。风暴持续了超过10个高潮,造成沿海洪水和财产损失。暴风前后,地形图表明,暴风雨期间发达的海滩经历了沉积物量的损失,而在中等发达和未发达的海滩上,沉积物沿剖面重新分布。暴风雨过后两个月,沿发达海滩的剖面尚未达到暴风雨前的高度。相比之下,中等发达和未发达的海滩达到并超过了暴风雨前的海拔,并开始表现出夏季月份的河床堆积特征。



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