首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >Transfusion of leukoreduced red blood cells may decrease postoperative infections: two meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials: (La transfusion de sang reduit en leucocytes peut diminuer les infections postoperatoires : deux meta-analyses d'etu

Transfusion of leukoreduced red blood cells may decrease postoperative infections: two meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials: (La transfusion de sang reduit en leucocytes peut diminuer les infections postoperatoires : deux meta-analyses d'etu


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of red blood cell leukoreduction in reducing postoperative infection, mortality and cancer recurrence, two meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were conducted. METHODS: A systematic search of the scientific literature was conducted. The pooled relative risk ratio (RR) of developing an adverse postoperative outcome with either leukoreduced or non-leukoreduced blood was calculated using a random effects model. To better estimate the efficacy of leukoreduction, a second analysis of transfused patients only was conducted. RESULTS: Ten RCTs met inclusion criteria and eight provided separate data for patients randomized and transfused. The mean percentage of patients randomized but not transfused was 34%. For postoperative infection, the overall pooled RR was 0.76 [(95% confidence interval (CI): 0.54-1.08] for the "all patients randomized" analysis. For the "only patients transfused" analysis, the pooled RR became clinically and statistically significant (RR = 0.60 (95% CI: 0.38-0.93). For mortality, the pooled RR for the "all patients randomized" analysis was 0.71 (95% CI: 0.45-1.13) and 0.61 (95% CI: 0.36-1.04) for the "only patients transfused" analysis. When analyzing either all patients randomized or all patients transfused, there was no statistically significant difference in cancer recurrence rates (one study only). CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that patients who were transfused leukoreduced red blood cells might benefit from a decrease in postoperative infections. A decrease in mortality may have been realized if more patients had been enrolled in the various randomized trials. Including all patients randomized, regardless of whether or not they were actually transfused diluted the observed clinical benefit of leukoreduction.
机译:目的:为了评估红细胞白细胞减少术在减少术后感染,死亡率和癌症复发中的功效和有效性,进行了两项荟萃分析,进行了随机对照试验(RCT)。方法:对科学文献进行系统搜索。使用随机效应模型计算了用白细胞减少或非白细胞减少的血液产生不良术后结果的合并相对风险比(RR)。为了更好地估计白细胞减少的疗效,仅对输血患者进行了第二次分析。结果:10个随机对照试验符合纳入标准,其中8个随机对照和输血患者分别提供了数据。随机但未输血的患者平均百分比为34%。对于术后感染,对于“所有患者随机化”分析,总合并RR为0.76 [(95%置信区间(CI):0.54-1.08]。对于“仅患者输血”分析,合并RR在临床和统计学上具有重要意义(RR = 0.60(95%CI:0.38-0.93)。就死亡率而言,“所有患者随机化”分析的合并RR为0.71(95%CI:0.45-1.13)和0.61(95%CI:0.36-1.04)用于“仅输血患者”分析当分析所有随机患者或所有输血患者时,癌症的复发率没有统计学上的显着差异(仅一项研究)结论:我们证明了输血白细胞减少的患者可能受益于术后感染的减少,如果更多的患者参加了各种随机试验,则可能已经实现了死亡率的降低,包括所有随机分组的患者,无论他们是否实际输注了稀释的血液。 e观察到白细胞减少的临床益处。



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