首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of anesthesia: Journal canadien d'anesthesie >ATP-induced ventricular asystole and hypotension during endovascular stenting surgery.

ATP-induced ventricular asystole and hypotension during endovascular stenting surgery.


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PURPOSE: To describe four cases of endoluminal stenting surgery in which adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) was used to arrest the heart for accurate placement of the stent-graft. CLINICAL FEATURES: Four patients with descending thoracic aortic aneurysm were anaesthetized for deployment of a self-expanding stent-graft. Maintenance of general anaesthesia was performed with isoflurane and nitrous oxide in three patients, and with fentanyl and propofol in another. An initial trial of 20 mg ATP was administered via a central venous catheter as rapidly as possible, and produced third degree AV block of 8 +/- 1.7 sec and 59.7 +/- 17.5 sec hypotension, mean blood pressure < 60 mmHg, in three patients. The time to onset of AV block was 15.7 +/- 6.7 sec. In these patients, deployment of the stent-graft was performed during ventricular asystole produced by 30 mg ATP, which produced 16.3 +/- 2.1 sec third and second degree AV block. In one patient anaesthetized with fentanyl and propofol, 20 mg ATP did not change AV conduction. However, after 10 mg edrophonium, 20 mg ATP produced 9 sec third degree AV block. In all cases, heart rate and PQ interval were restored to the pre-drug control level within 50 sec after the commencement of AV block. There were no clinical complications related to this procedure in any patient. CONCLUSION: ATP is a convenient and suitable agent to produce transient ventricular asystole for the precise deployment of a self-expanding stent-graft. Co-administration of a parasympathomimetic agent might potentiate the inhibitory effect of ATP on AV conduction.
机译:目的:描述四例腔内支架手术,其中使用5'-三磷酸腺苷(ATP)阻滞心脏以准确放置支架。临床特征:麻醉4例胸主动脉瘤下行的患者,以展开自扩张式支架移植物。三例患者使用异氟烷和一氧化二氮维持全身麻醉,另一例患者使用芬太尼和丙泊酚维持全身麻醉。尽快通过中央静脉导管给予20 mg ATP的初始试验,并在三个试验中产生了8 +/- 1.7秒和59.7 +/- 17.5秒低血压,平均血压<60 mmHg的三级房室传导阻滞耐心。 AV阻滞发作的时间为15.7 +/- 6.7秒。在这些患者中,在30 mg ATP产生的心室搏动期间进行了支架移植物的部署,ATP产生了16.3 +/- 2.1秒的三度和二度AV阻滞。在用芬太尼和丙泊酚麻醉的一名患者中,20 mg ATP不会改变AV传导。但是,在加入10毫克的邻苯二甲铵后,20毫克的ATP会产生9秒的三度房室传导阻滞。在所有情况下,在房室传导阻滞开始后的50秒内,心率和PQ间隔均恢复到药物治疗前的水平。任何患者均没有与此手术相关的临床并发症。结论:ATP是一种方便且合适的药物,可产生短暂的心室搏动,以精确部署自膨式支架移植物。副交感神经药的共同给药可能会增强ATP对AV传导的抑制作用。



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